Comments by HaywoodJablomi
review comment
2 years ago
Few comments.
1 call out the girl who was the air dance and ripped you off in the VIP. If you did I missed it. Please do that for as a favor.
2. Regarding the comments about a girl staying with a guy nonstop to you and also Himilaya. Most of these guys are not lucky, they are not better in any way shape or form than you and I, they just spend more money and quite frankly I believe are lying to themselves. They want to feel like the dancer is really into them and exclusive. She almost never is.
Also keep in mind that many MANY guys who are at Desire every day have little to no chance in the real world at getting a date with a cute girl or their marriages suck (understandable). I hate to say it but it's true, I like to go there between relationships or if I had a few dates that didn't work out. It's a supplement for a high energy guy, but not a crutch.
tl;dr don't envy the regs.
review comment
2 years ago
But not too old!
Great review as usual. There are some new night girls which at some point can be added. Atlas, Emma, **Kami, *Ariel, Ruby, Val (not Valerie)
The ** from me means beware. Several guys have reported robs. Also my * next to Ariel is because she is friends with Kami. I have not VIPed them so I have no direct intel but please do your research before investing.
review comment
2 years ago
I don't know since I haven't gotten even a LD with Zoe, but she does talk to me a lot. Seems chill as a person, I was just waiting for another girl at the time. Reign seems nice to me too, just not really my type. It wasn't Rosie, I know her.
I find nearly every girl that Desire hires to be great with the exception of 2 who for whatever reason are cold to me. Don't mind since there are plenty go choose from.
review comment
2 years ago
The approaching them vs. them approaching you situation works itself out after you've done VIP with several girls. The ones you've done rooms with will approach you 95% of the time, leaving just the unknowns you can approach if you want to try something new. I still get hit up by randoms but it's usually the more aggressive girls like Reign, Zoe, or this thicker latina (not Malibu) who I turn down every time, but will still approach next time I'm there for whatever reason.
review comment
2 years ago
^This only happened me to one time and I never gave that dancer one cent ever again. I rejected her every single time she approached after and she finally got the message.
review comment
2 years ago
Great review. I've spoken to Stacia a few times but never took her for spin for a dance or VIP. I don't know if she is part of the (partly Russian) Lotus/Alice club, but if she is I might give her more of a chance. She was pushing hard with me, but I am skeptical of many Eastern European women since they can be hustlers. Hope to get more intel on her too.
review comment
2 years ago
The other redhead is probably Josie. Tall, lots of tats. She seemed cold from my experience but other guys have reported a good time.
review comment
2 years ago
Electric Mayhem is not just a band name
There are now 3 or more reports on this site that Kami has scammed a guy. Feel bad for guys who are not reading it.
review comment
2 years ago
Also my bad guys it was more than 3 visits that was a typo. Probably around 5 or 6, don't know the exact number.
review comment
2 years ago
A catch-all account
Ya weird review bro. I'm not Colombian maybe close so I can tell that you don't write like a native Spanish or Portuguese speaker writing English either. But whatever thanks for the intel, Zoey is cute but never snagged her for a room. Others maybe try again before throwing them under the bus?
review comment
2 years ago
Naomi has hit me up for a VIP but I always got a hustling vibe from her, she also overcharges for a regular dance. She is stacked and I like her look. Glad you enjoyed it, curious on the VIP exp please PM if necessary.
review comment
2 years ago
I love boobs
@bridesmilk and others. Guys I want to post an update to the Kami or Cammy situation. I met her and she gave me another name so she may have switched to cover up the rob.
Speaking with some other guys it is sad that there are girls there that either lying or switching names because of their bad reputation. Others may use the name of a popular girl who is not working that shift to trick guys too. Be wary out there.
review comment
2 years ago
I love boobs
I'm thinking of a blonde. Beautiful face, full prob fake lips, great body, but minus the tats so prob not Kami or Cammy. I always wanted to snag her for a room but shes bisy as hell.
review comment
2 years ago
I love boobs
What does Kami or Cammy look like?
review comment
2 years ago
I love boobs
I approach it similar to bridesmilk. I also genuinely like to learn about them and the industry and the VIP is better the more you know each other.
But if a dancer acts too sour on men I usually pass. I've had some dancers reveal intense things very quickly. One dancer said a guy tried to take advantage of her in the VIP and pin her down. During the conversation she also went into lots of detail about her 'baby daddy' and the issues there. It was total turnoff. This doesn't mean she won't do extras, but I feel even if I was the coolest guy in the world, I'd be viewed with suspicion.
I also avoid dancers who give off too much of a hustling vibe. Unfortunately, some foreign women do this (looking at you latinas...) hitting you up and every other guy in the club with 'do you want a dance' immediately. Bad English plays a role, but in the end the better vibe you have the better it will be. So really in the end I go for dancers who I'm feeling it with and are at least giving the illusion that they are feeling me. The VIP just proves that point.
review comment
2 years ago
Nelly, question about Stella. My friend said the current Zoey used to be named Stella. So is the Stella in your review a different one? The current Zoey is is an attractive blonde.
review comment
2 years ago
I love boobs
My experience once in the VIP is the dancer will initiate and inquire about how much potential fun we can have. Usually price is talked about before. I have never had a shock where the dancer suddenly asked for more. The one time that the dancer did not initiate in the VIP I did and suddenly her eyes became wide and we were both happy. I choose carefully, and now I remember there was one time that it did not work out and coincidentally it was the one time I tried to negotiate before. I was having my doubts but was still in the mood, and my instinct told me the girl in this case was hesitant but I went with anyway and was not happy regarding her mechanical attitude. I have shared her through PM with a few guys on here. She was not a ROB by any means but we were not on the same page. That was one time.
I don't think most girls have any intent to ROB anyone but I try to look for the best others. Some girls with a hustling vibe do make it hard.
I also would pay more for safety and to avoid any incidents.
review comment
2 years ago
I love boobs
Great info. Didn't know about the $125 drink card, seems like a great deal. Never used a CC either, and won't in a strip club, I just bring cash.
I am not the norm, because I usually don't talk about anything extra before. I use my gut instinct instead. I have a lot of regular dating experience and on reg dates am pretty accurate to where it's going. If a girl has a hustling type of vibe I avoid her. Body language like she isn't into me avoid. I have not been burned ever but I choose very carefully.
review comment
2 years ago
New England
Greenshirt, I don't know what this dancer looks like lol. I have not been at the club when she is there or if I have, I have not met her or seen her stage. I am just usually skeptical of reviews that offer very little information besides one specific dancer is great. It seems like shilling, but like others have stated you have several reviews and thanks for calling out a Rob. I am not trying to diminish any good times or say anything bad about this dancer who I don't know, just want to keep the info as pure as we can.
review comment
2 years ago
New England
Agree that I'd like more varied info on different girls and pricing. I do not know this dancer and as great an experience you had, she may not be my cup of tea. Also some girls ask guys write reviews to stir up more business and offer discounts to do so. Not saying that happened here, but it's been known to happen.
review comment
2 years ago
I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
If any guys want to trade more detailed info feel free to DM me. Been sharing with a few but outting the offer out there for others.
review comment
2 years ago
Agree, some would be surprised if they try some newer customers, but they go to what's familiar.