
Comments by Drock918 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Couples first strip club any SC tips would be great
    @warrior15 have you ever been to 2001 odyssey in Tampa? If you have what was your experience there vs. Penthouse.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Couples first strip club any SC tips would be great
    @cjkent_band i want to do this bc I think ill enjoy watching the dancers. I think the atmosphere seems exciting. I have always fantasized about watching a stripper be all over my husband so I'd like to see it in real life. But as far as threesomes and escorts go never say never but not at this time.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Couples first strip club any SC tips would be great
    @Warrior15 thank you I did notice the girls at penthouse looked like better quality but wasn't sure how couples friendly it was.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Couples first strip club any SC tips would be great
    Thank you these comments are all very helpful. I have read before that the girl should be the one asking for the dance and make sure they know I am interested in being there. I usually do not have a hard time being assertive but am nervous bc i know i have no experience doing this I've read the strippers are usually really good at reading people so hoping they will be able to see that i am there bc i want to not just because my husband is there. I plan to tip well. I told my husband i want us to have a good time so we better plan on being gracious tippers especially being a couple. My husband told me he has seen woman being super obnoxious with the strippers but we both know that will not be me. I think it is so odd a woman would be territorial of their man in a atrip club. Why even go then? I assume its the ones tagging along and don't want to be there. Should we consider going on Thursday versus Friday or Saturday? Wondering if itd be better with a less busy day ? I read about going on friday or Saturday so its busy and less akward. I am wondering if we'd be happier going on a weekday. Do you guys feel like your competing for the strippers attention when your there and its busy? Or do you find they are good about making it around to everyone?