
Comments by freewilliejones3381

  • review comment
    a year ago
    Quiet but fun Sunday afternoon
    When I was there Saturday night 2/25 in VIP sign posted saying prices were 40.00 each. not 30.00. not 25.00, but 40.00
  • review comment
    a year ago
    A catch-all account
    Wednesday Lunch Date
    went there last night VIP dances were $40.00, sign posted right on the glass.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    "Moon" is the "shining star"
    Clearly the interruption for drink nonsense is by design. If you think other wise and it's a coincidence it happens during the dance you're wrong. Since you know it's coming, just tell the waitress upfront and hand her the 50.00 and assume is 15 for 150.00, and tell her you don't want the drinks lol. You're not getting away from paying for them. But can certainly try to order them before, but they'll still come back to drop them off and interrupt. So ordering before I would say to order and wait for the drinks before going in if you can. But im sure they'll push you along and not allow you to wait.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    First Phoenix Club - Disappointing
    Desert Scrub, (Which we actually don't know, it could be a typo there, and maybe you mean Dessert Scrub? Cactus or the delicious after dinner treat? We may never know. But certainly would assume its not a typo based on commenting on Arizona clubs) As an FYI, since we have the grammar and punctation police in the house.... It's "Scene, not seen, unless...." Not, "scene not seen-unless...." It's "Les Girls is not safe..." Not "LES GIRLS in not safe" It's "You were probably too horny, and..." not "you were probably too horny and ..." Its "For the love of God.." Not, "for the love of god..." There's quite a few other errors in there, but I think you get the point bud. It's classic when someone corrects a typo or minor mistake then proceeds to make several of their own. Do we really need to make a point to correct a typo on a forum dedicated to looking at naked women? I mean, really, it's the least thing to worry about when on a site where we are rating clubs and discussing if you got your genitals touched or not.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Great quantity and quality of girls
    I couldn't care less if i'm accused of being a fake review, but since this isnt a review and I have zero benefit from saying this..... Desertscrub is overly critical, and not 100% accurate... I can guarantee if you play your cards right, respectful and polite, not an arrogant prick, and you are willing to spend some money , extras and OTC the club can be had at this club. From multiple of the hottest girls in the club. I wont offer names of the particular girls at the moment, but on 4-5 separate occasions with 4-5 different girls, I was able to get extras in the club. With the 2 I met OTC for a regular dinner date, and banged both of them after the date for free, and both banged multiple times over the course of a year or 2. But it was free (of course minus the money spent in the club, and the dates). If I mentioned the names of these 4-5 they are well known at B.S., and would be what many consider some of the hottest girls in the valley, definitely above 8. In order to get extras or dates with these girls (which are some of the hottest of any club in the country actually) you need to treat them like human beings, and real people. If you go in like a strip club pro, and you're cocky and arrogant, trying to cop a feel, or treat them like hookers, you'll get shut down. If you brush your teeth, Take a shower, dress decent, act engaged, you'd be surprised how far you can go with some of them. The 2 I banged? both told me (whether true or not, I don't care), and I can confirm by the date, and how horny they were.. that they have surprisingly lonely sex life, and really just want a decent guy to take them out like anyone else, and not treat them like a stripper. They get propositioned all the time, and could literally have their choice of nearly anyone, but the majority of the guys treat them like shit, so they don't give them the time of day. Anyway.... moral of the story. Extras can be had here, OTC can be had. Just dont act like a D Bag.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Couples experience. Girls a little disappointing.
    last few times at sapphire have been a massive let down. I think their ridiculous drink and dance prices and constant upsell on everything are starting to show with the talent at several other places being far superior, and cheaper. If sapphire management reads this the direction you're taking this place in will fail, the girls are going down hill, while youre prices are going up hill. Better luck next time.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Piss poor, but at least they didn’t scan my ID
    I was also there a little earlier today, i counted quite a few extremely attractive dancers, nearly BSC quality, 1 blonde who is could easily be in the top 2-3 most attractive dancers ive seen in AZ. i dont recall her name, but nice tight body, with bolt-ons, really pretty face. Also saw couple past favorites with some great mileage. maybe things taking turn for the better the liter.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Nice low key visit. New hot dancer "Ariel" made my night.
    In this day-in age, the custom of tipping has become an expectation, instead of it being based on exceptional service, or industry standard. Also, tipping has become something that everyone tries to attach to any random job in which someone is providing any personal service. Keep in mind, (until recently in some states) most jobs where tipping is expected, the employee/ independent contractor gets paid much less than minimum wage, sometimes nothing (dancing), and the tip ($300.00 in this case) makes up the majority of the employees income (if they are good at what they do). It's absurd to expect more money on top of something just because you provide a personal service..... Unless.... this $ makes up the majority of your income. Such as waiters who routinely get paid less than minimum wage. 1) As a dancer who essentially is getting paid an extremely good wage (in this case 300.00 for close to 1/2 hour of work) to expect an ADDITIONAL tip is ridiculous. No job where someone is paid 600.00 an hour receives extra tips. And technically speaking, since the club does not pay her a wage, and some of the money goes to the club out of her pocket, some could argue the 300.00 IS ACTUALLY the tip. The club choses not to pay her a wage. They could if they wanted to, but they don't. She's not their employee, she's a contractor. The origins of "tips" actually started from the slavery era anyway when slaves were free'd after the civil war, they had extremely limited options to find jobs. Many landed in the restaurant industry or railroad porters, for jobs. The only problem with these jobs, guess what? They didn't get paid a wage, based on the fact that these roles customarily receiving their wages from TIPS. Very similar to a dancer who doesn't get paid by the club, they get paid by the patron. Hence the $300.00 IS ACTUALLY the tip. Tipping has become WAY overboard, and regardless where tipping is actually the industry standard, the employee or contractor gets paid nothing, or very little by the actual business itself. So, by asking for more $ over and above what she agreed her tip would be upfront, this is actually just that... asking for more than she agreed. She knew her tip upfront, she agreed to a TIP of $33.33 per dance. IF she expected a bigger tip? Well, tell the patron the dances are 40.00 per song. It's that simple. Same with any other industry that has similar practices. But if you already get paid a decent wage, and ask for tip on top? No matter what the industry is, its just asking for extra money, because you can get away with it in this day and age.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Bourbon Street is 1 of a Kind
    I know it may surprise some of you who want to read about other dudes getting jerked off, but its an actual review, just because I didnt par take doesnt mean I cant review. Thanks. Probably also difficult for you to believe I paid the 9.00 for VIP account AND submitted a review. Crazy, I know. Go ahead an move on.