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Comments by Recsandpark

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Sundays are worth it
8 months ago
While this is a worthless review, can we blame the publisher though? How does this get 7 thumbs up?

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Weekend Night
8 months ago
@walter that is (a little) surprising to hear. There are definitely a few dancers where patrons continuously say they are hot, but I don't find them attractive at all. summer I would have thought everyone would be in agreement on

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Thursday / Friday visits
9 months ago
@doc Oh of course agree 100%. Matt brought her over fully clothed unfortunately when he introduced her. Ironically, after our room she got called to the stage. I got to see her slip off her red dress and reveal those big black x's on her boobs again. She was shocked that other girls show their tits. I'm thinking "you know where these girls work, right?"

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Thursday / Friday visits
9 months ago
@hungry oh yeah Matt didn't do it on purpose. Just a swing and a miss. He apologized after, to no fault of his own.

@jpx Summer did like 4 back to back dances (they were regular dances, not VIP) but she certainly caught multiple eyes

@flash yeah I feel like the club info has been laid out ad nauseam so I tend to just give a brief, limited overview

@royale yes stacia the Russian blonde. Not surprised of your experience

Jenna seems like she carries major attitude so definitely steering clear of that bomb

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Friday Day Shift
9 months ago
Good review. Caddy used to be a good spot, but it has just gone downhill. For more context for other people, the VIP has curtains but also has holes in their back "wall" so a passerby can still peak in. And of course, sound travels too.

Good to know about Maddie

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Friday matinee - not bad
9 months ago
This was this past Friday, right? I agree that rooms were not being used/not many dances. If you got your dance later in the afternoon I believe I saw you fenway. If this was this past Friday, then Cassandra actually was downstairs to end her shift. I saw her eating a glizzy (hot dog) ;)

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Thursday afternoon visit
9 months ago
Also funny enough I had the same experience you mentioned a few weeks ago on a Friday. The little gorgeous blonde (alayna I think) I asked for her name but my hearing sucks. She came over 3 or so times to check if I was OK. At the end, I tipped her $20 and told her she was the best looking girl there. No idea why we're bringing up tipping but I tip too. I don't spend hundreds of dollars like I previously mentioned and go stiffing people, especially if its a club I go to

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Thursday afternoon visit
9 months ago

"However, I go into a strip joint with the idea of spending money, not saving. I want everyone there to make money so that they stay in business."

That's my point

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Thursday afternoon visit
9 months ago
No, once I told her I had a water, she said she didn't see me holding it and that I was fine. It just felt like a very uneasy nickel and diming. I was thinking so you want the 6 bucks or the band? Granted only a few hundred of it goes to the house, timekeep, bartender directly while the rest makes the girls happy (which keeps the business running), but you get my point lmao

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Thursday afternoon visit
9 months ago
Yeah the premise seems OK, at least based on the assumption there is a transient coming in and having the intention not to purchase anything. However, 99.999999% of guys will come in to, very logically so: buy a drink, a dance, or both. I guess I'm turned off by the fact that they would make a concerted effort and go out of their way to WATCH individuals, and subsequently enforce such a dumb thing.

To think that customers wouldn't purchase at least something, baffles me. It also specifically pissed me off since that didn't apply to me, and NEVER has on any of my trips. By the time the waitress came up to me, I had already bought 2 waters for myself ($6 each) while sitting at the bar, 2 drinks for a girl, a hot dog for a girl, a half hour room, and spent over $500 at that point. (I got jipped on my grill tickets on my first two drinks, but whatever) Anywho, I can almost guarantee you I spent more than 80-90% of dudes in there at that point. It's the Friday before Memorial weekend so most guys were chilling and socializing, rightfully so.

So I'm just so perplexed that they would spend so much time ad effort to watch, and just get it so wrong. I was also holding my water lmao. But congrats to that older "manager" (not gerard), they sure got those 6 bucks...

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Thursday afternoon visit
9 months ago
The waitress came up to me and asked if I wanted a drink, and I said no thank you. She said, "oh they said you have to buy a drink since there's no cover" (no idea who "they" is but I assume its management)

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Thursday afternoon visit
9 months ago
When there is no cover during the day, they make you buy a drink. I have personally never encountered that rule ever

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Hall Pass
9 months ago
Yeah I completely agree that dancers are for fun only. Knowing what they do... I mean c'mon get real

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Thursday afternoon visit
9 months ago
I have to start getting the drink cards. I don't get them as a restrictive measure so I don't justify coming here so often, but I'm leaving money on the table.

I was there a couple Thursdays ago too. Its solid, and ill be writing a review soon too.

I was also there yesterday. Beautiful day for the patio and the grill is open. Tis the season!!

On a separate note, has anyone ever had the drink rule enforced during the day (no cover)? It was the first time I was singled out, and I was pissed and it just left a bad taste.

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Hall Pass
9 months ago
Dates the dj? Haha I can't imagine that going anywhere (unless its more of a pimp/business relationship)

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Hall Pass
9 months ago
Tiffany Taylorr @kaleshunny

Hunny is that you?

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Hall Pass
9 months ago
I'm sure Tiffany will be OK with her OF. Never got a dance from her, she always seemed a little off
9 months ago
@nelly yeah I personally wouldn't interrupt regardless. Just my opinion.

I completely agree you should only spend 10-15 before getting a dance. Unless of course you're a regular who would compensate the girl thereafter.
9 months ago
@hungry and nelly Personally, I don't think there is a non asshole way to swoop a girl. I don't think I've ever spent more than 10 minutes talking to a girl without getting a dance from her. If someone would interrupt me (it usually doesn't because I'm quick), then I would be rubbed the wrong way. For me, time at the strip club is a business. If you are taking time from a girl, you better be paying. I wouldn't want to step on someone's time, if I don't want someone else to do the same. I would wait, find another girl, or call it a night. Again from my prior comment, as a non VIP, I like the regular aspect, and it should exist. (As it so does at desire)

@skibum Thursday was solid. Got my first dance with Vivian. Cassandra, Paula, and Julie were head turners. Cassandra spent the last hour with an older gentlemen, otherwise I would have done a back to back. Back to the regular topic, sure you and I (my trip is 140+ miles) would happily come back to the club. We know the club is good. However, others who it may be their first time, will see the regular effect, go home, and may not come back.

Overall, I'm saying there is a regular effect (rightfully so) at desire, but each person will have their opinion and it will be their truth
9 months ago
Hmmm. I think we can all agree this is a good review. Since OWG brought up the rant, I would say I disagree on the rant. I think we are biased based on if which side of the stick we land on. As a non "regular", I can see still your point of view. I will say it's fairly easy to spot the big fish regulars, just simply watching how many girls gravitate towards them. Some girls do in fact spend hours with them. I was there Thursday (sadly I did not see OWG) and Friday. For example Friday, a nice dancer Kami Lee spent two and half hours with a big fish. A little over an hour at the bar and then she waa rightfully rewarded with 1 hour VIP. Yes, I clock watch. So hypothetically if I wanted to get a dance from 4-6:30 on a Friday, I'd be SOL. What if you cant spend all day at the club or more than 3 hours? Could I interject during the hour long conversation? Sure. But I think that's a huge douche move, and I'd hate myself. This is purely an example to illustrate another POV. I understand there are different ways to handle it. I, being a non VIP, still like the regular aspect. Money talks. Girls and men should be rewarded
9 months ago
Nice review, I hope you managed to keep in contact with Chloe. I think most of us can relate to losing one of your ATFs
a year ago
Yeah your review was fine, and I believe dancers and your experience should be included. The no extras discussion was just a general rule of thumb. I appreciate the post
a year ago
Keep doing you fgfnc. Girls are a part of the club, rightfully should be discussed. Just don't detail out any extras or anything of that nature. Noting a good experience is helpful. On the other hand, outing a rob/scam is equally as helpful. Typically, the only ones who are afraid of getting a good review or thumbs up, are the ones unlikely to receive them.

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Double Take on Monday
a year ago
I'm confused by the amount paid. You paid $100 to the house and $400 to each dancer?
a year ago
Thanks for posting the pay/tip bands. I see some varying price ranges from people so it's nice to try and get an average cost together