4 days ago•WaterhousePDXreviewedSassy's Bar & Grill927 SE Morrison St Portland, OR 97214Happy Hour at Sassy's
3 mos ago•WaterhousePDXreviewedXsensual Foster5226 SE Foster Rd Portland, OR 97206Expensive but can be very fun!
3 yrs ago •WaterhousePDXcommented onWorth the tripI'm curious uf this special lady is Stull working there. Please PM me if so.
3 yrs ago•WaterhousePDXreviewedClub 2059939 SE Stark St Portland, OR 97216Club 205 on a Tuesday - Kind of Dead
3 yrs ago •WaterhousePDXcommented onDesire has unrealized potentialHey blahblah, it IS advertised as a fully nude club, but really the thing that was most notable was the dancer putting her top back on after the…
3 yrs ago•WaterhousePDXreviewedDesire535 NE Columbia Blvd Portland, OR 97211Desire has unrealized potential
3 yrs ago •WaterhousePDXcommented onHot Nude Girls at Lucky DevilMr. Johnson, it's a good joint for stage shows. The patio is nice, too. But it's definitely not a place for lap dances.
3 yrs ago•WaterhousePDXreviewedLucky Devil Lounge633 SE Powell Blvd Portland, OR 97202Hot Nude Girls at Lucky Devil
3 yrs ago •WaterhousePDXcommented onGreat girls, chill place, but very high private dance pricesI don't understand the complaining about 3 for 100 dance prices. I don't like it, but it's been the norm in Portland for at least 3 or 4…
3 yrs ago •WaterhousePDXcommented onGive the devil his due!One very important aspect of Casa Diablo, in the past, was that girls woukd do toy shows and girl on girl action on stage. For the reviewer, did…
3 yrs ago •WaterhousePDXcommented onGood times at DV8Hahahaha, I was wondering what the heck that was. Really, my main reason for posting a review was to see if anyone had a line on Lana. I…