Comment1 yr agomogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubssinclair's ReviewLesterville, SD is better. Wow, really sad to read how this region is rotting away. My dad’s side of the family goes back to the mid-1800s and are…
Comment1 yr agomogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubssinclair's ReviewI grew up in Syracuse. I haven't heard about Fulton in ages. That's up near the Tug Hill Plateau with legendary snowfall. @goldeneagles9 - what college? I…
Review1 yr agoPT's Centerfolds3480 S. Galena St. Denver, CO 80231I was Back, still nice, not great, niceLike I said, I’ll be back”. 7:15PM on 5-Jan. Same old, same old: Walked in, cashier guy ID scanned (FUCKING HATE THIS! I’m obvious NOT a banger), $20 + soda coupon (nude,…mogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
Comment1 yr agomogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs👇👇👇All clubs ad below"...really way out in the fucking boonies. You driving in the woods and then there's a clearing with this club." I've seen a few horror movies like "From…
Review1 yr agoPT's Centerfolds3480 S. Galena St. Denver, CO 80231Real nice time: "I'll Be Back"I hit PT’s Centerfold at ~5:30PM on 30-Dec. I first went to Shotgun Willies as a warm-up and to see what it was like; more on Willies later, nice place with topless…mogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
Comment1 yr agomogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip ClubsLogin requires new password each time?My # was at the end. Glad people are providing buggy stuff so Founder/developer(s) have some data to help troubleshoot. If it were up to me, I'd just…
Comment1 yr agomogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip ClubsStrip club attire advice/where to get pants? I like Columbia dark, lightweight cargo/hiking cargo pants for strip clubbing - pockets are good to secure stuff and the are a tad loose too. Plus, I use…
Comment1 yr agomogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip ClubsLogin requires new password each time?And indeed it does. Thank you for the speedy response, I know you have your hands full with these changes. Looking good! MUCH APPRECIATED!
Front Room1 yr agomogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip ClubsLogin requires new password each time?Just wondering if it's me or the site: Whenever I login now, I need to reset my password each time, goto email, do the reset and I'm logged in. I do understand…
Comment1 yr agomogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip ClubsAnother career starts in a strip club ^"He's certainly looking down his nose at his 'inferiors' in that pic.' It's a "Kodak Moment". One fraction of a second defines someone during a moment where the context…
Comment1 yr agomogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip ClubsAnother career starts in a strip club What would you expect from the WaPo?
Comment1 yr agomogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip ClubsWho picks the musicIn college I was a club DJ for almost 2 years before goin into my career. BTW, being a DJ isn't about the girls hitting on you, you…
Comment1 yr agomogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip ClubsSPOT THE TRANNY QUIZApp hung (no pun intended) at 14/19, I had scored 78%. In the movie “ Cabaret” there is a scene in the Kit Kat Club where Sally (Liza…
Comment1 yr agomogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip ClubsGood tuesday.From what I've read stripers are on this site. I found the description of some on this review to be insulting and beyond rude.
Comment1 yr agomogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip ClubsEV Charging Costs@uniquename: "I’ve paid as little as $0.33 per kWh and as much as $0.48 at CCS stations." What is the final cost? I have no idea how many…
Comment1 yr agomogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip ClubsEV Charging Costsmotorhead: “I paid $279/gal yesterday at my Kroger.“ The Jewish guy in Ventura County, CA that was assaulted over the weekend and eventfully died: He was by a Shell…
Comment1 yr agomogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip ClubsEV Charging Costsshadowcat: "At some time in the future when EV's out number ICE's there is going to be a need for a gasoline tax replacement to keep our roads." Yeah,…
Comment1 yr agomogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip ClubsEV Charging Costsiknowbetter: "My Tesla is the perfect commuter car, my SUV is perfect for taking long trips or for hauling lots of people and stuff." I wasn't starting a political…
Comment1 yr agomogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip ClubsEV Charging Costsmotorhead: "On the other hand, maybe I should cruise around the desert looking for hot college girls stranded by the side of the road." I've seen "Twight…
Front Room1 yr agomogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip ClubsEV Charging CostsI don't own an EV, however I do own TSLA stock; I'm focused on his SpaceX, Dojo and robotics tech than cars/trucks. Lately, I'm seeing more manufactures moving to Tesla's EV Charging…
Comment1 yr agomogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip ClubsNu Metal in Strip ClubsNu Metal works for stripping. Hip Hop and gansta rap - HELL NO! As a DJ in college working in a few bars, I was more R&B, and…
Comment1 yr agomogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip ClubsJury Convicts Bankman-Fried of All Fraud, Conspiracy Counts This guy will do hard time. Cat was out of the bag with him greasing politicians on both sides. Buh BYE. Good riddance. He is going to be…
Comment1 yr agomogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip ClubsIf 9/11 happened today...A lot of people, way too many, never learned that Islam has been on a Crusade since ~700AD. They took over North Africa and Southern Europe. After 300…
Comment1 yr agomogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip ClubsIf 9/11 happened today...^If 9-11 happened today, be assured the media and talking heads would claim it's all Trump's fault, politicians would push for gun control, and kids will believe the…
Comment1 yr agomogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip ClubsWednesday’s Child Is Full Of WoeThis DV use to (waitresses), and they doon Fri/Sat nights the few time I've been there after 10PM. I think I tend to hit the slow times. Still…