Comments by Jernbeck
review comment
2 years ago
@Electronman We didn’t end up getting a dance, that’s why I couldn’t share details on that. I only wrote this review because, as a woman in a couple, it’s sooooo frustrating when you walk into a club and you’re the only woman in the place who isn’t an employee. Typically many of the male customers (Not all, I know that’s a sweeping generalization…) will size me up, stare, and worse. One night, right after we arrived in a club, we walked to the bar which was crowded and some a-hole actually grabbed my ass. So this review was written from the woman’s perspective. It is unusual to see almost as many women as there are men in the crowd, and to not be made to feel uncomfortable. (I’m a New Yorker so it’s not like I don’t know how to stand up for myself or anything, but it’s the vibe that resonates and changes the overall evening for me.) Not to mention being price gouged to pay double. So that’s why I made sure to do this review, for the ladies out there who are also just trying to have a fun night out with their guys. This is the only club that goes out of their way to make it a more inclusive and an actual fun atmosphere- it feels more like a party than a club. And, honestly, I’ve never seen an owner like this guy. During the very crowded Halloween party he got up and told everyone to be responsible and, if they needed a safe ride, he’d help them find one. We were surprised and impressed. But, I promise, not a club ad. Just kudos for a job well done honestly.
review comment
3 years ago
@Longball300, it’s my understanding that they’re ramping up after COVID restrictions again. Until our third visit it hadn’t been packed, and I think they’re also working on getting more dancers, as some did not return. Supposedly it should open “soon”, but we have no idea how long soon will be.
@Joker44, dances were $20 per song. (We were charged double as a couple.) One dancer told us that, on weekends, they deliberately cut the songs to three minutes. The DJ himself is a creeper- he sits there, during songs, and will talk in the mic, saying things such as (but not limited to) “Oh, yeah…” or “That’s hot.” and always sounds like he’s likely jacking off in his booth like he’s never seen tits before. It’s a bit gross, really.
review comment
3 years ago
Desert scrub is just jealous. He should be.
review comment
3 years ago
@Grand1511- We ended up not staying that long and didn’t get any dances, so I am not sure the prices. I’ve read $25 topless, $35 fully nude, but I can’t swear to it. I’m sorry!
review comment
3 years ago
I think it’s actually a rule. I’ve seen it mentioned in some Google reviews… there’s even one from six years ago. I’m pretty open minded but this rule just seems overkill. It’s 2021, for the love of God! There may be some logical reason for it, but I really can’t think of one! And seriously, the women at the rail were honestly adding to the show and several men moved a bit closer to check out the free show. It seemed good for business as far as I could tell, so maybe they’re cutting off their nose to spite their face!
review comment
3 years ago
MrEddyG- Well, if you’re from NY then you know some clubs strictly enforce the pasties law and others don’t. This night it was a handful of rule breakers and a handful of “pasties” which were band aids.
And, yes, Desertscrub, you caught me. I own the club and wrote a review to drum up business. Me and every other reviewer in the site, we have a conspiracy and run bets as to how many times we’re accused of shill reviews. Whomever earns the most “shill” comments wins the pool.
review comment
4 years ago
Teamskeet and Loper, thank you so much for the tips and advice! Definitely no offense taken and we will have to check out the other clubs next time!!
review comment
4 years ago
@OWG- I tried but he’s such a shy guy who is I think pretty worried that he will upset me, so it seems it’s baby steps for now, haha! Not that I’m complaining, I’m lucky that he’s so considerate of me. Next time we need to Uber so he can loosen up and drink more. But we were staying in Massachusetts and it would have been too pricey to take a ride share.
review comment
4 years ago
New York
He literally says that on every review. Just ignore..,