
Comments by zensitivity

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Disappointing experience as a couple visiting Platinum Plus Cabaret
    It never ceases to amaze me how people who run businesses will complain about not being able to make money....but then you have customers like me and my wife, money in hand, ready to spend it lavishly, and yet they don't make the slightest minimum effort to make the customer feel welcome. And then they wonder why they get bad reviews. Literally had $200 in my pocket ready to go, that mostly did not get spent. Let alone the hundreds of dollars they might miss out on due to me telling anyone who asks me for a good strip club in Phoenix about my bad experience. And all it would've cost them, for real, was a simple "hey guys, welcome to our club, glad to have you. Can I get you anything to drink?" It's mindboggling.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    newbie questions
    Yep--it was an educational experience for sure. It was definitely fun though, and now we've seen the deal and will know better for next time :) Thanks again for all your help!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    newbie questions
    Thanks for your advice, everybody. We went to Tootsie's tonight, and after all that, it was a bit anti-climatic. We sat a bit away from the main stage, then closer in (just off the rail). I was waiting for my wife to let me know if there was a girl who caught her fancy, but she wasn't "feeling" any of them--except for one girl, who came off the stage to start doing the rounds at the rail, but then I think she got called upstairs to the 2nd floor VIP area, and we never saw her again. None of the girls came over to talk to us except once to take our drink orders (I wasn't sure by the way--these girls who were "waitressing" never went on stage and seemed to be "just waitressing", not dancing--if my wife had fancied one of them, could we have asked her for a lap dance, or is it sort of verboten/gauche to ask a waitress for a dance?) Anyway, after about two hours, with none of the girls striking my wife's fancy, and none of them coming over, we decided to leave. My wife went into the bathroom for a moment--while I was waiting at the bathroom entrance, one of the dancers came over about 20 seconds later and touched my shoulder and asked where I was from :) As was predicted earlier in this thread. Anyway, my wife had fun, so that's all that mattered. Incidentally, on a side note, I understand the club wanting some pumping music, but it was REALLY loud. So loud we could barely hear the waitress even with her talking into my ear from a foot away. They could've dialed the music down just a LITTLE bit and it still would've been quite loud and pumping, yet allowed people to hear themselves think.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    newbie questions
    Thanks 628, good info as well. When you say "ask her to join the two of you for a drink", does that mean we are expected to buy the dancer a drink as well if she says "sure"?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    newbie questions
    Got it...thanks so much for the info!! I really appreciate it. Wish us luck :)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    newbie questions
    Thanks Papi...okay, so I guess in that case we're going to dial down our expectations and just do the two-way-touching lap dance for her :) I appreciate the tips on the other clubs, but I think just as a tourist thing to do, Tootsie's would probably be more up my wife's alley than the other places. My understanding (please correct me if I'm wrong) is that a regular lap dance at Tootsies is $20, and you can get one in a "private room" for $25...? Is that right? If so, and we do the $25 dance thing, is $5 an appropriate tip?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    newbie questions
    To loper--yes, sorry--I guess my question is more generally about "how far things typically go" at a strip club in terms of lap dances, rather than asking about where we could have a dancer do specific things.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    newbie questions
    Hey, thanks very much--this is great info. $150 plus $20 plus $400-$500 is a bit more than we were looking at spending :) What would $150-$200 get us? Also, when you say Tootsie's is "cutthroat", can you explain what that means?