Comments by bostonfinance
review comment
5 months ago
With all due respect to the other regular reviewers, this is the best review of this club I've read in years!
review comment
5 months ago
^Yes, I see your point, and it's what a lot of the other expert reviewers do (include the same copy and paste, and then an update). I'll look to do that in the future. Thanks for the tip!
review comment
5 months ago
Thanks blah, nelly and pachomp.
The basic layout of the club has been covered dozens of times in recent reviews, so I try to leave reviews when there are changes that might be of interest, and basically to answer the question "how's it going over there." If a club had ten reviews, and the basic info were not there, I'd write more about that, but given that the crowd I know on and from here, everyone wants the quick update.
I can't give much info on individual dancers, because at Foxy so many have moved on. Some that used to work there last week now are at Caddy (for the moment) and next week, who knows? The whole notion of a consistent set of dancers that can be commented on applies at certain clubs (which are covered far, far better by long-time patrons on here). This used to be the case at Foxy, but now everything is so unstable because they upped the lapdance price to $30 without giving more to the dancers, so the number of customers buying dancers is understandably down (raise the price with everything else held equal, and the demand will go down).
If there are two or just one dancer on the floor, and no one on stage, long-time club-goers here knows what that means. Clearly, it would be pointless to try to see a particular dancer reported to be working weeks or months ago, if no one is there at all.
The nature of the business is changing, and so I think the point of reviews should be to give an updated snapshot for those considering going, not just repeating static info that has been already published many, many times.
review comment
a year ago
This doesn't seem real, given the fact that all dances of all types are in enclosed booths or rooms, so there is no possibility of a "creepy bouncer staring at us." Nor is there ever an "amateur" night, as the events there have, at least in the past, gone by other names. Given the lack of specific information that demonstrates even being there at all, it's hard to take this too seriously.
review comment
a year ago
Thanks. Yeah, I can describe the customer in a king outfit who won the costume contest for Halloween, so, yeah, ChatGPT was not here...
discussion comment
a year ago
I think this is just an issue of opaque methodology in the rankings. According to the lists here, Desire is the top-ranked club in the USA, which is hard to justify (not addressing that club in particular, but for any business to claim with legitimacy that they are the best in the country, I'd have to see a lot more data...). But the other clubs in Providence being ranked so highly are pure farce. Foxy Lady Providence is ranked 22 in the USA. I went there on a recent federal holiday, and for three hours during the day shift, there was ONE and only one dancer working the floor. The idea that there are not more than a couple dozen clubs better than that in the entire country is a complete and total joke.
Not sure we'll ever know how those rankings are determined, but I sure am curious about the algorithm, because it's not very reflective of reality...
review comment
a year ago
Thanks for the clarification. I did multiple dances with the dancer starting with the two-for-one, and left a generous tip, so the actual billed cost of the dances alone got mixed in and neither of us could remember what the number was supposed to be by that point. Definitely no free pass for the next visit, alas...
review comment
2 years ago
The price for the room (not the $100 to the dancer) may have changed from before, but I don't remember exactly. There are certainly longer times available, but I didn't ask about those.
review comment
2 years ago
Thanks for the Public Service Announcement! I heard that mid-afternoon, there was a grill that gave off too much smoke, and set off the fire alarm, and everyone had to leave the building for a bit...
review comment
2 years ago
Some of the other regulars may want to chime in on this, as well, but if you buy one dance at the standing desk next to the booth, they take the $5 there, and you pay the dancer the rest in the booth. So if I tell Paul that I want one dance, and hand him a $100 bill, I would expect to get $95 back, $20 of which would be the minimum I would hand to the dancer in the booth after a dance is completed. There might have been some misunderstanding or miscommunication, but I've never had any (non-dancer) employee deliberately not make proper, exact change, after hundreds of such transactions over the years.
review comment
4 years ago
@sfrsox: Thanks for the kind words!
review comment
4 years ago
Also, went again over the weekend, and this time they asked for my driver's license at the door, and were about to write down my real name and number, so I just declined and left, as who knows where that information will end up. Yes, it's supposed to be for COVID contact tracing, but if that is _really_ necessary, then there shouldn't be a contact strip club open at all. Hopefully this will end soon, and we can return to normal order.
review comment
4 years ago
@Techman: I was quoted $160: $60 to the club, $100 to the dancer. This is as it was before, but I didn't partake, so I can't verify that personally.
review comment
6 years ago
I don't want to get into a flame war, but OWG is entirely correct. I don't tend to review places, like Desire, that I visit but have plenty of information (and thanks to OldWhiteGuy for his specific, detailed references, which I have found helpful in many ways). I try to contribute by giving realistic, hopefully-useful updates to some of the other places around, from the perspective of someone who has been many times to most of the clubs, since I think that's more useful to the readership than yet-another review saying that "Desire is great." But that doesn't make it any less true.