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Joined Sep, 2018
Last Seen May, 2019


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6 years ago
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OT: drugs
Why don't you just admit you like getting high. People who have to make up reasons for doing it are weird AF
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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Curious how often anyone has seen or done front-room activities?
Wow paying for kisses you must be proud
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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Trolls ........................
No, what they want to hear is

"Thank you socially retarded guy who can't ask a girl out. I appreciate you paying me to…
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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OT: drugs
I know drugs are bad, but they feel good and make shit go away for a while.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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I want to tweak my thread . . .
its not stealing if its finding lol oooooops his wallet fell out! I found it!
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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Trolls ........................
Anyone who doesnt kiss wrinkly old white trick ass gets called a troll on this forum. Like everyone has to be happy with old…
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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Testimony: Working at a strip club does not deserve a stigma
That's what white people do though. They think they discovered everything and once they get involved in it they think its up to them…
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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Who do girls say you look like?
I get Kim K a lot and hate it. Fucktards think "you look like a Kardashian" is a compliment
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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Front room makeout sessions
I would NEVER kiss a trick.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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Buying your fav a drink?
Tricks who don't buy drinks are pathetic. If I ask one to buy me a drink and they don't I'm moving on.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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OT: Medical Marijuana
I use it to treat my sobriety
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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OT: drugs
Marijuana, cocaine and MDMA.

I tried heroin once but wouldn't do it again, I was craving it for almost 2 weeks!
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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Anti Suit-Wearer bias by dancers
I find it to be true, about guys in suits being cheap or broke
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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A stripper's CRIMINAL BOYFRIEND is often far more important to her than someone
This is ignorant AF. Just coz someone is a socalled felon doesnt make them a bad person. You're acting like you're better than them.…
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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Anti Suit-Wearer bias by dancers
guys in suits are usually boring AF
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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how to fuck lots and lots of hoes
lol Im not sayin anyone wants a broke nigga. Im saying its not enough to make a hoe stick around.Its all about the game…
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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Riffing off the suit discrimination idea
Watches, but you have to look close coz so many wear fake ones. Shoes are a huge give away. Teeth! If they wear glasses…
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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Discovering Her Real Name
The only tricks I ever looked up online were some pro athletes and a rapper. I wouldn't waste my time on nobodies and I…
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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It's all about the money.
They must be some desperate hoes ROTFLMFAO
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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how to fuck lots and lots of hoes
Depending on what you have makes you a trick
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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Discovering Her Real Name
Dadillac, do it! If she fucked you over shame the bitch!

ch3ll you dont ask, you build trust.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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Discovering Her Real Name
You are stalking her.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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Rap/Hip Hop and the GFE
its really about your hips, lower back and abs. real twerking is more than clapping and shaking your ass
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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Discovering Her Real Name
Dadillac, whats it to you if she's married or not? Of course its about money. She's working!
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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Rap/Hip Hop and the GFE
Im no ones troll account. Calling me a troll doesnt make you right
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