Comments by Gman33
review comment
3 years ago

Update: went back and got 2 dances from Diamond and yeah - she is a DIME!!!
No idea what she’s doing at this dive but damn, straight 10, gorgeous, great personality and very good dances with some good mileage.
@JSully - she’s got a beautiful face, perfect smile, light brown hair, tear drop fun bags that were natural and huge, DD’s I think. Nice dumpah too!
Makes no sense how she’s there but an absolute stunner. Says she works Thu-Sat only. Also went on about her sister who’s a little older. They’re Icelandic which maybe explains the hotness.
discussion comment
3 years ago

Thanks fellow pervs… good intel as always. Let’s get it!
review comment
4 years ago

Go on Bubbleyum, go on…
review comment
5 years ago

Charlie is AMAZING! She took good care of me on a recent visit - I posted a review. Hope to see her again soon.
review comment
6 years ago

Jules Jordan
Hey downriver... do they do extras here? I’m guessing yes but wanted an idea... hopefully it isn’t FC prices...
review comment
6 years ago

I love how King Gambrinus complained there weren’t enough details so he didn’t want to publish. Umm dude... I think he covered all the key details with his first sentence. That club is no more!
discussion comment
6 years ago

Thanks guys, I’ve written 3 reviews so it probably will kick in after my membership expires. Appreciate the confirmation.
review comment
6 years ago

I’m confused by your maths... you said it was $.2 for cbj, is that $200 or $20 or something else? And then you said the other bj was $.4, is that $40, $400? Very unclear on the amounts as none of these would make much sense, either too much or too little...
review comment
6 years ago

A catch-all account
So are you saying the massage parlor next door offered a happy ending, or just a good massage? Asking for a friend...
review comment
6 years ago

Dennis Hof - true legend!
From his obituary: “Hof’s body was found by pornstar Ron Jeremy who was there to pick him up for a meeting.”
What a way to go! The stories that man’s penis could tell, lol
review comment
6 years ago

Awesome review man, keep em coming!
Papi Chulo - don’t be such a knob. Our man had a good time, live and let live.
review comment
6 years ago

Serious question: this place is called American Bush... do these ladies have jungles downstairs or what? I’m curious...
review comment
6 years ago

Bold move Pepsi... but she may appreciate it. Depends if you’re worried about having the guy meet you out in the parking lot I guess.
review comment
6 years ago

Wow! That is classic, one of the funnier strip club stories I've read on here. Fell asleep, oh man!
review comment
6 years ago

We don't go to clubs for the food bro... Try to stay focused out there and offer details of the girls, the dances, VIP pricing, etc.
review comment
7 years ago

New York
How did you find the place - it’s kind of out of the way? Also - what were the prices like? You spent over $500 so I’m guessing you went to VIP, how was it?
Maybe I was mistaken, just seemed like a lack of detail. You did say it was your first time though. Not a usual strip club for a first time visit IMO.
review comment
7 years ago

New York
This sounds like a club ad... I call bullshit!
I was in here a few weeks ago. Talent is nowhere near “9-10” and it’s expensive as hell.