Buffalo, New York
Comments by ronald410
review comment
2 years ago
The problem with the tiny rooms is that they do not have lights at all, the only light provided comes from outside the room and when you are there, your seat is facing the light, and the light obviously is hiting the girl's back, so all what you see is the girl's shadowed side. Too bad for a visual experience, there is more light outside of the small room than inside. Definitely, they should fix that problem.
review comment
3 years ago
Buffalo, New York
MonacoGP, you are right, I work in advertisement but not for this club.
review comment
3 years ago
New York
Maybe desertscrub thinks it is an ad because of the detailed information about the pricing. But when you go for the first time, you are supposed to learn about prices for the services provided. Some people have very good memory to remember every detail, most people don't and that does not necessarily mean it is a fake review. I think the review is a good review regardless if it is fake or not.