
Comments by Evasparkling (page 14)

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    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Mueller Report Released
    @Flagooner The odds that Biden will jump into the race is 90% The Conservative Media doesn’t want Biden to contest because he has a very decent chance of Beating President Donald J Trump... The Conservative Media is now touting Beto Rouke as the Next Barack Obama when we all know he wouldn’t be able to beat President Donald J Trump in the General Election... If he wasn’t able to Beat Ted Cruz in Texas who they hell does he expect to beat President Donald J Trump in all 50 States of America... Sanders is a socialist without a realistic plan... His policy doesn’t fly with me & I can tell you that it’s very unlikely to obtain the Presidential Ticket... My preferred Combo Ticket will be Joe Biden/Kamala Harris VS Donald J Trump/Mike Pence...
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    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Mueller Report Released
    @Flagooner Didn’t he say that he was the Best Negotiator & would go to Washington DC & turn everything around overnight during his Campaign? What happened? Isn’t he the Master Negotiator anymore?
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    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Mueller Report Released
    @Meat72 Actually Democratic Strongholds are usually Economic Prosperious Cosmopolitan Areas which a large concentration of educated people... On the other hand Republicans Strongholds are usually Rural America which also happens to be the Poorest States & Poverty Headquarters of the nation i.e. Mississippi, Alabama & Louisiana As far as I know nobody wants to relocate to rural america expect they’re born & raised in the country... Most educated people want to relocate to Big Cities with Good Jobs & infrastructures i.e. New York City, Washington DC & Chicago...
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    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Mueller Report Released
    @Twentyfive Isn’t is funny that the Republicans now wants the Country to be united & expects House Democrats to work with President Donald J Trump? Where exactly did this same Republicans go eight years ago when House Republicans were busy undercutting President Barack Obama... President Donald J Trump aim is simply to erase Former President Barack Obama Legacies... An Incumbent should solidify a predecessor Legacy not attempt to erase his Legacies. It’s not in the best interest of House Democrats to work with President Donald J Trump... The did same thing to Former President Barack Obama... You can’t expect your opposition to support every absurd policy you come with... It doesn’t work that way... Maybe next time a Democrat is President then both House Republicans & Senate Republicans should attempt to work with him... That would be a start & will now know that you guys mind business... For now it’s all talk talk talk no action on their part...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Mueller Report Released
    No, they Democrats will not lose the house after only 2 years... I can go ahead right now & make a bold prediction that if Former Vice President Joe Biden becomes the Democratic Nominee for White House in 2020... He will not only win the Election but will also sweep both the Electoral College as well as the Popular Vote... You can bookmark this page & refer back to it once the November 2020 General Elections are over...
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    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Mueller Report Released
    @Mark94 Why will Democrats be willing to find common grounds when republicans never reciprocated the same gesture when Barack Obama was President... Republicans tried everything in their power to undercut every signature action Former President Barack Obama took... Heck even Mitch McConnell refuse to bring a floor vote on Justice Merrick Garland who was nominated by President Barack Obama to the Supreme Court... Instead he vowed to wait until the elections were over so a Republican President would be able to fill in a conservative Judge to the Supreme Court. Heck even Mitch McConnell said & I quote “My number one priority is to make President Barack Obama a one time President” Now tell me what incentive do house Democrats have to work together with President Donald J Trump...
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    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Mueller Report Released
    @rickdugan And for those of you not aware of the politics at play it’s very important for y’all to read the 18 Page Memo written by Attorney General William Barr in June 2018 criticizing & undermining the Special Counsel Muller investigation... It’s definitely an eye opener...
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    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Mueller Report Released
    @rickdugan Would I honestly expect an Attorney General that was simply nominated by the President himself to indict his Boss? You should know better... President Donald J Trump made the executive decision to fire Former Attorney General Sessions when he decided to recuse himself from the Russian Investigation... President Donald J Trump was now able to nominate a Puppet & Biased leaning Conversative Republican to take over the DOJ in order to save his ass from any possible indictment...
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    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Mueller Report Released
    Am I completely missing something that happened in the last two years? You guys keep saying that President Donald J Trump has done so much but the only major piece of legislation I can think of is tax cuts which is basically republican 101... I wouldn’t exactly called getting tax cuts a difficult task when Republicans control all three branches of government...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Mueller Report Released
    @General I know your type... Pathetic White old men that always watches Fox News Cable Channel & Listens to Rush Limbaugh Radio Show 24/7 You’ve have been completely brainwashed... No wonder you’re typing incoherently... I refused to be brainwash by your Conservative Biased Media AKA Fox News & Rush Limbaugh... You’re currently beyond redemption... God have mercy on your soul...
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    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Mueller Report Released
    @General I hope you choke on your food... You will definitely die a miserable man... Idiot...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Mueller Report Released
    @General I not a Muslim... 100% Catholic I only club once in a while... I do have a girlfriend & get to have sex whenever I want so no need to cum in my pant... You’re a pathetic old man that no girl want... Aren’t you so ashamed of yourself that you have to pay Girls just to fuck you... No wonder most strippers always complain about Fat old white men that gross them out... You’re definitely one of them... No one can make me make... But I guarantee you that if you come at me hard, I will definitely come at you harder harder... The Good thing about me is that I don’t need money to Buy Strippers fake affection at the Strip Club... I can actually go to a Bar & Night Club, run my game & still be able to go home with a baddass chick... But for you the only way to get pussy is only to pay for it... You should definitely be ashamed of yourself... Pathetic Moron...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Mueller Report Released
    @General You can go fuck yourself for all I care... The only person I would be voting for is definitely a Democratic Nominee... Never will I be voting for Donald J Trump or any Republican... Never have I & probably Never Will I...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Mueller Report Released
    @General You’re the Bigger Moron... If I had a choice to choose between former Vice President Joe Biden & Current President Donald J Trump... I will definitely pick former Vice President Joe Biden over & over again... Instead of making a reasonable argument, you’re busy attacking aimless... Keep typing like a fucking Moron...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Mueller Report Released
    @Meat72 Stop spreading false rumors... The odds that Joe Biden will run for Presidency in 2020 according to people close to him is 90% My Political views hasn’t changed. I’m a moderate Democrat... Also I’m gainfully self employed & do pay my own fair share of taxes... Poor people are one of the most Hard working people I have ever seen... I have seen poor people working two & three jobs just to keep a roof over their head... The General Misconceptions by conservatives & the biased Media AKA Fox News that Poor People are Lazy is generally untrue...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Mueller Report Released
    Would anybody also call General a dumbo? I know I would, he thinks like one...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Mueller Report Released
    @General You’re also a fucking retard... You dumbo... Keep on Jacking off to Fox News dumbo..
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Mueller Report Released
    Why would I be an inactive member by then... I can tell you that if the Democrats nominates Former Vice President Joe Biden who also happens to be a centrist candidate as its Presidential Candidate President Donald J Trump will not be returning to the White House... All Joe Biden needs to do is reclaim the Midwest states namely Pennsylvania, Michigan & Wisconsin... President Donald J Trump barely defeated Hillary Clinton on all three states with less than a 100,000 Votes which help push him over the finish line... I believe someone like Joe Biden will be able to win over Moderates & Independent and be able to flip Pennsylvania, Michigan & Wisconsin back to blue during the 2020 Presidential Election... If someone else other than Joe Biden is nominated as the Democratic Presidential Candidate then all bets are off the table...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OT: Spring Break
    Plus Blacks also tend to engage in meaningless fights... Also you can’t really tell when things might pop off & gun shots can start flying at any minute... I’m usually over conscious of myself { on high alert} when I’m in a gathering of mostly African Americans be it house party, Pool Party, Night Clubs & Strip Clubs... You can never tell when it’s about to go down...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OT: Spring Break
    Miami Spring Break is now equal to Miami Memorial Day Weekend... You can hardly tell the difference... It’s the same thuggish outlook... We don’t need that here...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OT: Spring Break
    @Papi_Chulo Miami Beach Spring Break now has a thuggish outlook due to the sheer number of Black people that tend to over crowd the Beach & fuck things up... I like it better when it mostly Visiting Europeans & Visiting South Americans... They generally tend to be peaceful, quiet & respectful Unlike Blacks that keep blasting loud music everywhere including hanging out of their cars and shouting & singing on top of their voice... Including performing stupid stunts on a Major road & freeway with their Bikes thereby endangering other road users as well as putting their lives at risk while backing up traffic on the freeway...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Mixed feelings on new photo (uploaded today)
    @Papi Chulo Aren’t you asking for too much... She might have to charge you for a customize shower video for Papi_Chulo only lol...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Mueller Report Released
    @Meat72 I’m not AOC but I’m confident of my predictions... You can bookmark this page & come back to it once the 2020 Elections are over.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Mueller Report Released
    Democrats are gonna win overwhelmingly the Black & Hispanic Votes. Also Democrats are gonna win mostly Liberal Cities which also happens to be Urban & Cosmopolitan Areas. Republicans are gonna win overwhelmingly the white votes including elderly White Men & elderly White Women. Also Republicans are gonna keep control of rural American Votes like they have always done.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Mueller Report Released
    No, the Educated people aren’t gonna vote against Liberal Ticket... Most Educated people always vote democrats... Republicans tend to win over rural areas & old people That’s is not going to change any time soon...