
Comments by tristanJ

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sending video attachments to text messages.
    yup, burner phones likely have significant limits. Email may too. might need an app like snapchat or marco polo or dropbox.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How Much Millennial Flakiness Do You Guys Tolerate?
    wow the advice on this thread is incredibly good. Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How Much Millennial Flakiness Do You Guys Tolerate?
    i will add that my CF has in no way tried any ownership stuff, if anything is very easy going. However some of the brand new dancers seem extremely scared to dance with a custie who may be someone's regular and tread on toes. I guess certain aggressive/ownership type dancers have given the newbie dancers a threatening lecture or something....
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    7 years ago
    How Much Millennial Flakiness Do You Guys Tolerate?
    I see you guys' point now - going to choice B club just to avoid trouble/drama would be pretty beyond -PL , and inner bitch taking over:) I just read your linked thread on ""I think of this as The Middle Way of not being an asshole while also not being a little bitch." - great stuff! indeed your thoughts on that thread apply to many aspects of life beyond just SCing.!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How Much Millennial Flakiness Do You Guys Tolerate?
    Subraman --> "Agree a thousand percent on this. In fact, if you feel like getting back at her seems like a great idea -- go to the club, make her jealous by being with another girl, say -- that's a fantastic reason to re-examine your mental health and whether this is for you." This is a very good point, agree. Indeed, to try to go in to the club and get dances with another dancer in front of the CF's face in order to spite her would be a totally insane and totally counterproductive thing to do! Even to go in on a night when CF is not there and get dances with another dancer could in general be tricky, (even if one has innocent intentions), especially in a club like this in which the culture seems to be that a new dancer sometimes asks "Are you someone's regular? is it ok with you and her if I dance for you?" (another strip club "bizzaro world" concept that I don't understand....).... so actually, when CF is not working, it might actually be better to go get dances with other girls at another club in town just to avoid any possibility of getting intertwined in needless drama? ppwh--> "I think of this as The Middle Way of not being an asshole while also not being a little bitch." I guess this is the essence of my question and the essence of the answer to it is to find that middle ground....
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sending video attachments to text messages.
    as mentioned, it depends on a number of factors, including what phone you have, what phone she has, and what operating systems each phone have, and the memory size of the video. Probably there was an incompatibility between the two or the size was too big and it didn't go through. For example, for iPhone to iPhone messaging of videos, a standard resolution video of up to 3.5 minutes in length should go through. Any longer/larger video files will be to undelivered. When sending from iPhone to android or vice versa, things could get more complex. For example, some people with android phones are finding that they are unable to send any video to an iPhone running iOS11 due to some glitch. If she knows how to edit down the file size of the video, she could retry to send it again with smaller file size (i.e. lower the resolution). Or , as mentioned - safest bet is to send it by email or dropbox application or similar.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How Much Millennial Flakiness Do You Guys Tolerate?
    Thanks all. All great comments and thoughts. Bubba267 - I just recently discovered TUSCL. Wish I had discovered it long ago! SC life would have been so much better and I could have gotten out of the newbie level faster! I will start posting reviews!! Rick999, ppwh and futuretrackstar - I think that it was unfair of me to put "millennial" in the title. The flakiness may largely be something that is more common in the young (regardless of generation), and particularly strippers? When in college 30 years ago, I didn't have enough money for SClubs so can't comment on strippers at the time. But the young girls in college at the time- they sure did have ways of being flaky. They just didn't have phones and texting to do it, but there were still ways to flake. I think that texting and cell phone reliance just makes it easier to be a flake?. Corvus and ppwh and scgato - sounds like by getting replies and apologetic cancellation message - I am actually in pretty good shape. While sometimes my club visits could be as long as one month apart, my spending has been repeatedly good, and that is probably the reason I am in good shape... jaredlucas - actually, on the night I went in, got some dances from a new young stripper to the club who I had not seen before, who has some good potential and worth repeating... dc9428 - that's a very good point too. On the rare occasion that I go out to a nightclub with younger single guy friends or colleagues , I see how low their yield is from phone numbers exchanged and texts. 10 phone numbers attained and exchanged texts can quite often yield no results in the end! And as a I mentioned, girls 30 years ago also had ways of flaking out, just no texting to do it with! For those who were SClubbing 30 years ago, I wonder if there was there stripper flakiness back then too?