Crap, this is a duplicate from a couple day...I can't figure out this system. I was asking about
Pandora's Cabaret in Seattle. Thanks again!

Comments by Dakesjenna2
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LF particular dancer?2 years ago
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Particular dancer?2 years ago
I'm gonna bump my first comment to the Pandora's page; that's where I should've started...
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Particular dancer?2 years ago
Hey, thanks for the feedback everyone. Especially the jokes lol! I mistakenly thought I was posting
about Pandora's cabaret in Seattle when I posted, as I was directed from that page. I didn't realize it
went into general, sorry. I see what y'all meant. This girl isn't Diamond, she doesn't have any tattoos
(at the least not a big dragon). And Diamond is always tan. This girl has very pasty white skin. But
I'd venture she maybe has a similar body type to Diamond. And I seem to remember she didn't do stage.
about Pandora's cabaret in Seattle when I posted, as I was directed from that page. I didn't realize it
went into general, sorry. I see what y'all meant. This girl isn't Diamond, she doesn't have any tattoos
(at the least not a big dragon). And Diamond is always tan. This girl has very pasty white skin. But
I'd venture she maybe has a similar body type to Diamond. And I seem to remember she didn't do stage.
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The Waiting in the Hardest Part6 years ago
Quinn, with all the new talent and things-a-changing at Pan’s, can’t you give a hint as to the identity of your reliable friend?
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Enjoyable swing, but a bit of a miss7 years ago
Cream is known for her friendliness and always is professional.
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Tried something new7 years ago
What happened to your reverence for gorgeous German luxury models with the itsy-bitsy-teeny body kits Quinn, are you tending toward Japanese or American makes these days? Personally find no comparison to the German superlative.
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Stress Relief7 years ago
Coug you forgot to mention who your familiar favorite dancer was?
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Allie/ Cream7 years ago
Yes please, where in the world is Ava??
Great minds have great questions alike.
Great minds have great questions alike.
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Pre game warm ups7 years ago
Thanks for the info Quinn, you're always discreet and it's plain your working on your Master's in metaphor and innuendo!
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Pleasantly surprised7 years ago
"...Like a balloon that hasn't been inflated fully."
Props for that one, man.
Props for that one, man.
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Early afternoon visit7 years ago
Would this be Diamond by chance? This sounds a bit odd, because if it were her...she's never been known to be shy!
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Quick Trip7 years ago
Quinn, was this a weekday shift with so few girls? And would you recommend any of your "friends" as being the blonde hotties Dallas, Mercedes, or Riley, thanks?
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Another Waste7 years ago
Anybody know if outside hookups possible with any of the Tu shift girls such as Allie, Riley, Diamond, and Mercedes?
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popped my kittens cherry7 years ago
Bri (formerly Alice at Panda) is a petite blonde bombshell w a rack & Adrian (frmrly Summer) is taller, w sweet curves; these are some newer beauties, maybe that helps.