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Comments by Katya2U

discussion comment
8 years ago
avatar for Katya2U
Time to go
So thank you again for your time. I didn't think I'll have all those comments and responses when I posted my first post last night. As I said, I was just trying to shine some light on things people were curious about. Make it nice and simple. So I think that's it for now. You all have a good rest of the day.wink
discussion comment
8 years ago
avatar for Katya2U
Time to go
Thank you for all the responses. I do travel for business here and there. Been to many places, call it "getting a fresh air" wink. Can't call club, they'll make up stories to lure you there, just like some dancers will lie about how much they made there. So I usually just Google things, read reviews about clubs, comments and so on and just go from there. I'm not interested in place if I read multiple comments as "yes, for $200, $500,whatever amount, you can get whatever you want in VIP". I'm not a VIP girl, because let's face it : if place has rooms you can close off with whatever material, most of the time, NOT ALWAYS though, things go on. No thank you. And I know most of the people here will think that there's no way you can make $300-$400/shift without doing any extras, but the truth is you still can. It's harder than couple years back, but it's still possible.
discussion comment
8 years ago
avatar for Katya2U
Time to go
The question I typed in to a Google bar was "how much can a dancer make in..." I was interested in a particular city.
discussion comment
8 years ago
avatar for Katya2U
Time to go
Ever wonder how much strippers actually make and where the money goes? https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=10503 Minnow, maybe I didn't explain things punctually, thought most of you will understand. Apparently now. So let me try again. I was looking for an answer to my question, doing a research online. I was curious about something and so I Googled it. Google gave me this website as a site where I could find my answer. Well I didn't. Instead I saw bunch of people guessing, how much money we could possibly be making, talking about "I know this girl and she has a friend and she said this and that". Something along these lines. And so I thought, naively, that maybe an input from an entertainer that's in business these days could help. Little did I know that people will stick to their opinion and wouldn't be open to a discussion. So else would be more informed about that topic than a dancer herself??? So you, not particularly YOU, but guys in general here, telling me to do my research... Uummm... Excuse me, pardon me, if I say that I do my research every time I come to work. To those other, civilized people here, thank you for your kind responses. I figured there will be a good amount of people opened to a grown ups discussion. This is a forum. And any input is, should be, welcome, good or bad. I have no intentions of replying to dessert whatever his name is, or blocking him. I see this kind of guys (but do we know he IS a guy??))) at work from time to time and I don't waste my time on them. My time is money, when if comes to work and by not dealing with him and his crazy comments here, I'll keep myself sane and above his level. Maybe he's/she's fed up that his or her life didn't turn out the way he /she had planned and turned him /her into one bitter, frustrated sad being. Maybe he lives in a dungeony basement and doesn't have enough sun to keep him happy... Who knows... ??
discussion comment
8 years ago
avatar for Katya2U
Time to go
Lol, no Larry, but you can't win an argument with an idiot. They'll always beat you with their experience, lol. I learned that looong ago. You just walk away from them, with a smile on your face, wink. Time to enjoy my Sunday now. Beeeaach time, yeeyyy...
discussion comment
8 years ago
avatar for Katya2U
You must be kidding
Lol, and then there will always be people like you, desertscrub, lol