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joined Apr 2017last seen Aug 2017

Comments made by Frig

article comment
8 years ago
avatar for Frig
No Balls for a Decade and My Plans for SC to Help Remedy That
Well let's answer a few questions. I have considered prosthetics but my doctor recommend against it as those could have their own issues. And it this point in time i am less hungup on the physical aspect of my condition and more hung up on my lack of experience. I do get testosterone shots and I have a similar sexual desire and ability as before. The Hong Kong club does sound like the best solution except for I live in the Midwest and airfare alone would cost me nearly $1,000 for just a weekend trip. Then you would need to include the cost of a hotel to start at, taxi, food, booze, and let us not forget the money spent on the girls. Now i am not a wealthy man sand now even less so after paying all this medical bills. Then the are the suggestions of just seeing a pro or even a pro that specializes in guys with hangups. This too sounds like a good solution except my city doesn't have street walkers, at least that I have seen, and I am not exactly plugged into that work where I would knew where to find a pro. I hope this answered some of your questions.