
Reviews by mbekk

  • review
    6 years ago
    Platinum Dolls
    725 7th Ave New York, NY 10019
    Tourists Only!
    NYC + Times Square + middle of the afternoon + free flyers = low expectations. Or, at least my expectations were low. Knew that there would not be full nudity. Knew that mileage would...
  • review
    7 years ago
    4075 Buford Hwy NE Atlanta, GA 30345
    Had hit a bit of a Follies wall: Too many vists in a short space of time; recognized most of the dancers there; barely moved to interest by any of them. So took a...
  • review
    7 years ago
    Satin Dolls
    689 8th Ave New York, NY 10036
    Avoid this place!
    I should have known better - away from home, away from the reliable, decent value clubs I know - in NY for a few days, I passed by this place and, like the proverbial...
  • review
    7 years ago
    4075 Buford Hwy NE Atlanta, GA 30345
    Stick to Weekdays
    After a couple of disappointing weekend visits, I returned to what had been working for me in the past - an early afternoon weekday visit. Arrived well before valet, so parked free of charge and...
  • review
    7 years ago
    4075 Buford Hwy NE Atlanta, GA 30345
    Saturday sucks!
    Up to this visit, Follies has been a weekday thing for me. But circumstances meant a Saturday visit was the plan this time. Really regretted it. Firstly, opening time is an hour later. Then,...
  • review
    7 years ago
    4075 Buford Hwy NE Atlanta, GA 30345
    Back again
    I really must try out some other places locally. But when Follies is so familiar, so consistent, so much fun, why take the risk? Club Blaze was almost a possibility, but the trip was...
  • review
    7 years ago
    4075 Buford Hwy NE Atlanta, GA 30345
    Still the place to be
    A long while ago, I used to visit other places. But then I discovered Follies and it became the only club in town I head to. Arrived early in order to avoid the mandatory...
  • review
    8 years ago
    4075 Buford Hwy NE Atlanta, GA 30345
    Not bad at all!
    Arrived at about 2pm. Had to valet. Which meant $5 before getting in the door. Should have arrived earlier. Check in lady wanted a tip. More cash, still not inside yet! Very dark inside. Took...