
Comments by DrakeReinz

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    8 years ago
    First good lap dance
    Well, I went to go see the girl tonight. It was a bust. 40$ lesson learned. Wasn't nearly the same experience. I'll take the advice to gtfo of SCs now hahaha. How many of you are snickering I told you so now? ;P I had to see her hustle me for myself otherwise I know I would have regretted not going back. Thanks for the advice guys.
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    8 years ago
    First good lap dance
    Damn, that sounds pretty rough. These girls aren't safe to get emotionally involved with. You gotta really have a decent head on your shoulders to know what kind of tricks their playing. I feel like it's really easy to pass a blind eye because they're so hot. I'm not dealing with immigration or anything though.
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    8 years ago
    First good lap dance
    I actually don't even like Drake hahaha but most of my American friends make that correlation immediately. It's just been my long time online avatar for about 10 years now. I like dragons, hence Drake. I had to come up with something.
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    8 years ago
    First good lap dance
    If that's the case I'll accept defeat and move on. It's an experience to be had, and if I don't at least try now I know that I'll regret it.
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    8 years ago
    First good lap dance
    The sarcasm is appreciated @flagooner hahaha I've really got nothing to lose by trying though, not unless it actually works. Then I have to figure out exactly what I want which is a lot more dangerous then trying to get a dancer to go out on a date with me.
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    8 years ago
    First good lap dance
    @Papi_Chulo I don't think that she's "Soo into me", but I do think that she had a little crush on me. I feel like she treated me in a way that most guys there don't get treated. If I see a girl in the real world that has a crush on me, that I'm also attracted to, I'm going to take the opportunity. Why should I act any differently in a SC? I'm inexperienced, but I felt passion with her. What kind of dancer tries to create a regular out of a college student? What does she have to gain financially out of me? She knows that I'm a lost cause for her business-wise, why would she go through the effort of giving me such an experience? Because she thought I was cute, and she wanted to have some fun. That's the only explanation I can come up with. Maybe she thinks I'm cute like a little nerd and doesn't want to date me. I can deal with that, but maybe she is actually attracted to me. And there's 2 more possibilities that leads to. 1. She accepts my advances, and 2. She refuses because she doesn't want to date someone she met at work. I get it, I know how to do math. I don't have the best shot here. But I still have a shot, and the way shit has been going for me, I'm going to take it. Hell it's good practice anyways, and it's fun :)
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    8 years ago
    First good lap dance
    "Assume the worst and hope for the best." That's the goal, except for the hope part. I'm going in blind. The only way to get hurt in this world is to have hope. I'm going in without any commitment. I'm simply examining an option and I've got a plan. I'm not saying it's a good plan, but it's a plan that will keep me safe. Happiness is the correlation between expectation and reality. As long as your expectations never overcome your reality, you're happy. So I'm going in without any expectations. The worst that happens is I lose gas money, a little bit of booze money and money for a dance. I've been talking to people to know what to expect from her if she's not interested. I'm putting up walls so I don't get hurt. I do really appreciate the concern, and thanks for helping me realize that this will likely flop.
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    8 years ago
    First good lap dance
    Thanks for caring Che. I appreciate what you're telling me. I just don't think that she would be able to manipulate me into paying for stuff. I'm not interested in supporting her. If she has a boyfriend, I'm out. If she's got a kid, I'm not getting involved with it. I don't see a future with this girl. I'm just there to offer her company, understanding and a real sexual experience. That's it. I'm not going to pay someone to have sex with me.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    No touching rules
    Well, gotta love Canada. I'm allowed to touch everything except her cooch. And it's a full nude SC.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    First good lap dance
    Che, you're funny man hahah I'm young and I'm single. You pay cash for civilian girlfriends regardless. I might as well have a mind blowing experience if I'm going to be spending money anyways. I'm not trying to prostitute her. If she's interested in me as a person then I'll date her. I'm not going to agree to some 200$ deal or something. I see this in the same light as taking a girl home from a regular club. Except I've never been successful at that, so I'm giving a SC a shot. It's easier to flirt in a SC, and I'm pretty sure that this girl was into me. So I really need to test the waters here. I'll probably end up going back, talking to her for a while and buying another dance to see if it matches up. If it doesn't, I'm an ATM and I'll quit on her. If it's just as passionate I'll try to get her number and see if she'll get together.
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    8 years ago
    L.A. All Day
    Lets write all the lame questions/lines that strippers say to you when hustling
    A stripper came up to me and said: "I know that you're my biggest fan, this place would be so dead without you here. Let me go make it up to you for supporting me." I'm so fresh on the scene that I didn't decline. She was hot as hell and reminded me of one of my teachers. Nothing special in the end.
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    8 years ago
    First good lap dance
    Alright Jestrite, can you post up a link here for me to learn from? I want her to know that my intentions aren't to spend all my cash on her, and that I want to give her as much of a good time as she gave me. I thought strippers had a code though, to not date anyone they find inside the club? Is this not the case with young people like me? I know where to draw the line and I won't get too involved with her, but damn she blew my mind like no other girl ever could. Should I go back this weekend? Beginning or end of shift? I don't know how to play this game.
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    8 years ago
    First good lap dance
    I'm getting so many different opinions here haha. Some people are saying this girl was into me, some people are saying she's just after my non-existant cash, some people are saying to never go to a strip club again, some people are saying to act aloof and if it happens it happens but don't chase it. I wouldn't be able to date a girl that I found out was a stripper later. But I'd be able to date a stripper if I knew that off the top. I just wouldn't get too involved, no family, just company and sex. If she was looking for company and sex outside of her work then I'd be down for that.
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    8 years ago
    First good lap dance
    I live in a northern Canadian city. The colleges up here aren't like the ones in the states. There are no frats, girls don't come by the bucket loads to get wasted and bang at parties. Besides, most of them are about 6-7s and are still extremely hard to pick up because of the small town mentality. Strippers up here come from much bigger cities.
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    8 years ago
    First good lap dance
    Thing is I know that I'd never be able to pick up a 9 in the real world. That's still an experience I want, and I thought I had a shot at that with this stripper.
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    8 years ago
    First good lap dance
    I'm not still a virgin, I've had sex plenty of times. I've just only been with 2 girls.
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    8 years ago
    First good lap dance
    Yeah that's me in the pic. I feel like this isn't going to go anywhere because I'm on a college budget hahah I wouldn't spend any more than 100$ on her. So she's going to notice that I'm broke ass and she'll probably move on. Can you actually talk to strippers like normal people? In my experience, they just pressure you to get a dance all the time.
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    8 years ago
    First good lap dance
    Forgot to mention that I'm Canadian and have been going to strip clubs since I'm 19.