
Comments by Desiree_Lust

  • article comment
    8 years ago
    Game recognize game man, game recognize game.
    Why Patrons don’t Buy: A Guide for Entertainers
    Very very well said, all of you ^^-all very good pointers...Maintaining, for lack of a better term, a "professional demeanor" is so key to building and maintaining a consistent flow of custies throughout the night. Even little things like using manners{ please and thank you's or even a quick 'cheers' after your drinks arrive (as opposed to downing your glass as soon as it hits your hands, instead of waiting to make sure he got his drink too and everything was okie doke). At the end of the day, in the long run, it'll take you so much farther if, you just stop and I mean if it's that slow or that bad, at least ACT like you're enjoying yourself lol I mean negative energy-it can really ruin the experience; these guys can tell when you're not $100 in the moment....woops..er......Lol I mean