
Comments by ralibird2016

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Dancer ethical dilemma
    One thing to consider is that not all customers think of a strip club as a whorehouse. "Mileage" may get more money for a single dance but a relationship built over time can be more lucrative to the dancer and more satisfying to the customer. It's not always about getting something the wife can't or won't provide; sometimes it's its another perspective on an issue that won't get back to the wife through one of her friends. I am personally turned off by dancers whose initial approach is that their dances are the dirtiest in the club. But if they sit down and try to have a conversation I will at least buy a drink. So while A may have a reputation B may also know that the customer is not into ITC extracurriculars and therefor not feel threatened, especially if the customer has demonstrated some faithfulness in the past and saved something for her.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Books about dancers or strip clubs
    Thanks SJguy. I'll look into that one. I did read Bare by Elisabeth Eaves but it didn't seem that real to me. I also noticed Love For Rent just came out but not sure if it is a good read. Any more suggestions?