2 yrs ago•artec0reviewedThe Gentlemen's Club5175 W San Fernando Rd Los Angeles, CA 90039Not the same as the Before Times
5 yrs ago•artec0reviewedThe Landing Strip (was Forbidden Fruit)2130 Pond Rd Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Whiskey Goggles Away from Home
6 yrs ago •artec0commented onAfternoon OkayLooked up Holly Price, and she doesn't have the face or voice of this girl. Holly seems to be older with some work done on her face.…
6 yrs ago•artec0reviewedThe Gentlemen's Club5175 W San Fernando Rd Los Angeles, CA 90039Under Reviewed
7 yrs ago •artec0commented onHidden Gem ... MaybeI don't know what it was like before a couple months ago, so can't speak for the upgrade. As for your other question, I couldn't put it…
7 yrs ago•artec0reviewedThe Gentlemen's Club5175 W San Fernando Rd Los Angeles, CA 90039Hidden Gem ... Maybe
7 yrs ago•artec0reviewedWoody's Show Club9395 6th St SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404Not Bad, Midwest Milage
7 yrs ago•artec0reviewedThe All New Dancers Ranch3000 6th St SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404Always Trust the Truckers
7 yrs ago•artec0reviewedSilk Exotic Madison7302 US-14 Middleton, WI 53562Wish They All Could Be California Clubs
9 yrs ago •artec0commented onAmple varietyGreat Detail - But got that picture in my head of someone scribbling notes down while watching the stage show.
9 yrs ago •artec0commented onBarn DancingI did have GPS, but only the address from TUSCL - which basically is the I-40 Exit 44. It's about 3/4 mile from the exit itself, and…