
Comments by Sajrandom (page 3)

  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Ass At The Door
    Wow, that actually sounds pretty decent for Alabama; might have to check it out if I find myself up in that part of the state.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    New To The Scene
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Nova Scotia
    Great Entertainment And Value
    Desertscrub, you're needed over here...
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    First Time There-just Passing Through
    Holy shit, my experience doesn't match up with yours, but 4 FREE VIP's? I almost wish I would have had an issue with someone, if that is the compensation!
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    First Time There-just Passing Through
    You made a good choice going with Candy for your first VIP visit. She seems to be a bit of a 'party girl', but she seems to deliver what she promises in the VIP, and at prices that won't totally break the bank. Also, my experienve/take on the Latin American girls is different from a lot of people's. I find then incredibly hot, and have never had an issue with them delivering fully in VIP. Yes, they are in general, more blunt and get straight to the point, but a lot of times I'm just in for a quick visit, and that suits me just fine. If I find one of them attractive and the offer is good, they make my decision very easy for me. I have been in, gotten a drink, had 1 or 2 test lappers, then been in VIP almost before my eyes were even fully adjusted to the dark.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    As Expected
    Nice review; that's a true veteran-level monger/PL run right there. Two great to good experiences for a good value, in and out in 1 day. Bravo!
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Felt Like A Middle-school Dance - Girls Not Approaching
    Another fantastic review from the master. And also, reading TUSCL to pass the slow times in a club...ultimate PL status! (In a good way, of course). I've got to get down to Miami sometime and check out the scene.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Gone downhill since new Owners
    Wow, free drugs and a number of dancers will to give extras...why again did you dash out of the club? I must have misread something.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Decent high mileage club with 5$ floor dances
    I've seen some small discussion about this in some older reviews, but will my buddy and I fit in OK at the club as 30-something white guys? We are definitely not the suit and tie types, just laid back dudes that get along with almost anyone, and we both like to go to clubs with majority or all AA dancers. Just wouldn't want to kill the vibe of the place, or have an Animal House-type situation where we walk in and the music comes to a screeching halt and everyone stares, lol.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Where havall the good girls gone
    What is the deal with Harlow and no VIP? I got some pretty good dances from her a few visits ago, and then was extremely disappointed to find out about her policy. It's a shame, because I find her super hot. I hate to say it, but I probably would have spoiled the 'normal' pricing curve to get a VIP visit with her.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Charlotte, NC
    Started slow, but another day at Follies
    Was it the same Natalie with kind of curly hair and a slight gap tooth (in a sexy way, not knocking her looks at all)? If so, I had a great VIP with her about 2 weeks back. Very sensual and accommodating woman, like the kind of stripper you could take home and marry, lol. I always let the girls name their price for VIP at first, even though I know the pricing structure, just to see what they say. She was very forthcoming with the $150 price, and seemed very willing to make sure that I was totally satisfied. She very graciously and almost shyly asked if it would he OK if she had a drink after the session, and I was more than happy to accommodate her. It was a nice change of pace all around from the hardcore, constant money hustle you get from some. She told me that she would be leaving town for a while after this week, I believe, and I was sad to hear that. I won't be able to make it back up there for another couple of weekends, so I can only hope her travel plans change. Come to think of it, there was a birthday girl there when I visited last also...were you there on a Friday, by chance? The birthday girl on my visit was Harlow, who I have seen mentioned a few times here before. She's got a great body and I got 4-5 nice dances on the couch with her before she told me she doesn't do VIP's. Anybody know what the deal with that is? I would have loved to get a little more personal with her.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Los Angeles
    Jollies and Follies
    Damn, that's never happened to me, but it does sound hot!
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Luscious Nubile Cubanas All Over The Place!!
    What a great, verbose encapsulation of this place; Papi might have a contender for the extended review crown now! As a person who does not have a problem with the so called 'Cuban invasion' of my closest dream club, Follies, I am wanting more and more to make a trip South to check this place out.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Tijuana cops
    Well, if it is true, it might be a little alarming, but nevertheless, this is not really a 'review'.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Pretty-good spot in you're into chcolate
    Decent review, but could you expand a little? JK, Papi, a masterpiece, as always.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Good time
    **This space is hereby reserved for Desertscrub's almost certain, swift condemnation of this review as a Club Ad.**
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Good visit; no action
    "Zach-Morris type"...hilarious! I am white, maybe somewhat clean cut, but not at all preppy, and I kind of want to check this place out next time I'm in the area.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Follies at night
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    I used to feel the same way about wanting to know about services available in VIP, but I have finally found that the best way is to be flat out honest about what you want, and/or ask about the dancer's boundaries. Look, these ladies work at Follies as a profession; even if they aren't the extras type, they will probably be more than willing to just tell you so. At the very least, it's most likely not the kind of question that is going to get you slapped or anything. If you want to class it up a little, I have found the classic phrasing 'what's on the menu in VIP' works well. Just watch out for the girls who will give you a vague promise of 'you'll have a good time'. You can't really be mad if the outcome is not what you wanted, at that point, because your definition of a good time and their's could be drastically different. Although I have to say, I have gone back with one of those types before successfully (my first visit), but I did get some reassurance from her after the vague statement when she showed me some napkins she had zipped up in her boot (lol). On my last trip I had a VIP visit with one of the infamous Cubans (extremely gorgeous, IMHO), and although their was a language barrier at first, once she figured out what I meant by 'menu', she made it crystal clear that everything was available for her quoted price. After that, there was just a little haggling to bring her down on her price, then she delivered just as promised in VIP. BTW, for some of you that might have a little exhibitionist side to you, having a FS experience on the first couch in the communal VIP room is quite a rush. Hope this helps you out some. Again, chances are if you and the dancer are making a good connection on the floor, and she is allowing you to explore and is stick-shifting you, or straight up has her hands in your trousers, chances are, you can have the VIP experience you want with her.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    The Hype is Real
    Great review, a very concise and well-detailed description of what a first timer can expect. I hope to step into your shoes one day soon and make my first pilgrimage down there.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Stopped by Visions around 10pm on...
    Ouch; you probably could have taken an off day with the same money you spent and rented a car, driven a few hours in some other direction, gotten a cheap motel room, and still had enough money left over to bang probably 2 strippers, and then have some money left over for a decent meal or two. Could have made a mini vacation out of it. Or hell, you are in NOLA. Even with what I am sure would be jacked up tourist city prices, I'm sure you could have gotten a pretty hot escort for an hour or two for $600+.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    A catch-all account
    Best Club In Huntsville
    ***Dancer Ad Alert***
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Amazing Club!
    You crack me up desert; why in the world would a club self-describe the area that they are in as 'sketchy'?
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    One Strange Adventure
    I went this past week and found the Cubans (at least one of them) to be quite easy to communicate with, and was able to fairly quickly negotiate a pretty nice rate for a VIP trip. It seems the language barrier gets quickly overcome when the discussion or money begins. I have heard a lot of negatives about the Cuban takeover recently, but I really enjoyed the vibe they have going right now. I need to drop a review of my recent trip.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Great experience but be careful!
    Yes, I am sorry to seem rude, but that sounds borderline insane. Why would you drive your car into Mexico?