joined June, 2015last seen June, 2016


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I am an attractive guy in my early 30's who enjoys the Hell out of Very Busty women with Fun personalities. I do quite well for myself financially, and in the women department. Women are my hobby, so for me, having an active interest in and participating in the strip club scene is a natural extension of that interest. I am constantly seeking women I am highly attracted to for as much fun as can be milked from the experience. High Quality Talent that meets my standards is very hard to find, and I tend to tip heavily out of sincere appreciation for it, when I do locate those few women who absolutely nail the sexy, and customer service sides of the equation. I am intensely aroused by Lactation, as well as inducing it and anything related to the process. I would be more than happy to discuss that further with anyone who shares the same interest and any women, especially, who would like to explore that more with me!