article comment
11 years ago
Strip Clubs Visits: Couples vs IndividualsSo let me put the real ? upfront: my wife is NOT bi, but she does like large breasts. She is big all over with a huge h cup, doesnt really like females, but loves huge tits. I mean double d is too small for her. For all my strip club experience though It seems like you can only work a club if you are skinny.
Sure, April Flores and Sierra Skye can make some great porn, but what strip club would hire them?
Does anyone know a place with a bbw night or just a good bbw on staff?
I am definitely not forcing her into anything, but I would want her to have a good time and a bunch of skinny flat girls would entertain me, but bore her. We are in brooklyn, would do a little travel for a good fitting spot.
Interesting stuff... , my wife recently expressed interest in going to a club with me while in Atlantic city. She saw the advertising for scores and felt comfortable with scores being an upscale, unsleazy venue. But when we found scores isnt actually opening til september, contrary to all the adbertising, she was not interested in going elsewhere.