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Joined Jun, 2013
Last Seen Apr, 2015


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11 years ago
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OT: Woody Allen Abuse Allegations
How the hell is this political? Anybody interested should find the old Time interview with Allen online, in which he defends himself in the…
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11 years ago
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OT: LA car pooling
I've taken the 401 from Detroit to Toronto a few times. While I remember Toronto traffic as being pretty congested, I'm not sure it…
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11 years ago
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Sochi 2014
I've always liked the Winter Olympics more. Hockey is my overall favorite Olympic sport, and skiing, bobsled, etc. are more interesting to me than…
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11 years ago
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OT: Is "spook" now an unusable word?
I don't think it's "bigotry" towards white males as much as it is intolerance of their bigotry of others. I'm a white male and…
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11 years ago
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Best Rock act from Detroit
The JB's were incredible. Brown was such a taskmaster that there was constant pressure for perfection, and he got it from his band(s). In…
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11 years ago
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Best Rock act from Detroit
It's funny to listen to a Bootsy Collins or Parliment album and realize how much Dr. Dre blatantly stole from Collins, Clinton, Worrell,…
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11 years ago
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Best Rock act from Detroit
Ypsi's own Iggy & the Stooges, Funkadelic, White Stripes (most ubiquitous guitar riff since Smoke On The Water), Alice Cooper, Eminem...
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11 years ago
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I Hope That Y'all Are Happy
I'd have more respect for her if she hadn't played victim in the aftermath of that whole "Santa is only white" episode.
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11 years ago
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Ass holes
Yeah, it sounds more like Shia LaBeouf plagiarizing American Psycho, but regardless of whether it is fantasy or not, the poster is a sick…
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11 years ago
avatar for Tyres
11 years ago
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Detroit City Council President Leaving Strip Club Caught w/Drugs in Car after Fl
Hell, all he needed was some crack and he'd be just like white conservative Toronto mayor Rob Ford. Oops, forgot it's just black dems…
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11 years ago
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Favorite Reality TV
I used to really like City Confidential about 10 years back.
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11 years ago
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Favorite Reality TV
All college & pro sports
River Monsters
Naked Vegas
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11 years ago
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Minneapolis clubs
Lived in Minneapolis a few years back and I concur it's not the best town for extras, or clubs in general, but Dream Girls…
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11 years ago
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Liberal Hypocrisies Within Science, Big Bang Theory Disproves Global Warming
Well if that doesn't prove the bible is 100% accurate and liberals are idiots, I don't know what will. Lol.
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11 years ago
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Robin Roberts "comes out"
She didn't "come out". She merely mentioned her girlfriend's name and called her 'her girlfriend' when she was thanking a larger group of people…
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11 years ago
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Favorite Pornstars
Juelz Ventura
Lela Star (pre plastic surgery)
Maya Hills
Tori Black
Penny Flame
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11 years ago
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Looks like Duck Dynasty folks won
It just amazed me that the same people who are forever bemoaning the "nanny state" were the same ones who claimed that freedom of…
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11 years ago
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What sign are you?
I remember there was once a horrible basketball team in Pittsburgh that gutted its roster and then filled all the positions with players who…
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11 years ago
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Why is prostitution illegal in the US?
Tiredtraveler- then is Papa John a "libertarian" since he has built an empire off employing a bunch of people at minimum wage? Who exactly…
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11 years ago
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Why is prostitution illegal in the US?
Zipman, while I agree with a lot of what you say, I hardly think the 1950's was a time when the government was staying…
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11 years ago
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Supreme Court Of Canada Throws Out All Remaining Restrictions On Prostitution
"I don't even know what street Canada is on."

That was probably the syphilis talking.
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11 years ago
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Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
I don't know if I've been to any Hall of Fame that wasn't disappointing.

Nirvana, because of where they fit historically & culturally, probably…
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11 years ago
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Playhouse Romulus Opening?
Since the Playhouse has been consistently pushing back dates since they announced the reopening, I wouldn't expect much.
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11 years ago
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Harvard Bombs!!!
Might as well make bombs legal since people will still use them.
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