
Comments by JayJay15 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    If A Stripper Cuts the Crusts Off Her PBJ...
    1. Strippers are girls. 2. Girls always eat fancy sandwiches with either chicken or turkey and lettuce and stuff on them. 3. Fancy turkey/chicken sandwiches are more expensive than PB&J. 4. If a stripper is eating a PB&J at all, it means she has had several bad earnings nights in a row, and is worried about rent. Therefore.... 5. A stripper who is eating PB&J, with or without crust, is MORE likely to give a BBBJ, because she needs the extra money.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    North Carolina
    totaly off subject
    @umissedaspot "Does 'celebrate' Easter mean to refrain from sex on Sunday?" One of the symbols of Easter is a rabbit. I ain't refraining from nothing.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    South Carolina
    Anyone know any girls on My Free Cams
    Real good. I have only seen her on MFC once or twice. I am not exactly a patron of the site and the new wore off pretty quickly for me. But I have seen her live act on numerous occasions. She's real good.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    A Question about Strip Club Management
    @Che Sounds plausible. Thanks. But I can assure you that the stripper I was talking to last night did not appear to know that. She must be new.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    South Carolina
    Anyone know any girls on My Free Cams
    I know one. She's good. Real good. Interpret that as you see fit.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    A Question about Strip Club Management
    @Dougster Exactly. What most of the commenters seem to be missing is that this is not a question of hiring. If a girl shows up who is not fit for stage I am sure that there are lots of reasons she can be excluded, pretextual or genuine. I am merely asking why it would not be civil - and a good business decision - to give out a small amount of information to potential dancers who call over the phone so that they know whether showing up to apply is even reasonable for them. If a girl gets the information, shows up, and doesn't pass muster, they can always refuse to hire them on whatever grounds they would normally reject them when they tell them to come in and apply anyway. Even the incredibly subjective pretext, "Your dancing is not up to snuff for this club" or whatever.
  • review comment
    11 years ago
    North Carolina
    Well I finallyfigured it out ....
    Good review. Good to understand the change of management's consequences.
  • article comment
    11 years ago
    Strip Club Customers: Questions To Avoid
    Only a female, and particularly only a stripper female, would think that "What will you do for me in VIP?" is a stupid question. I know that when I buy a car, I never ask the salesman about performance specs and reliability. I know that when I buy groceries, I never check the nutritional labels or price. I know that, when I go to the library, I just randomly select books off the shelves based on the attractiveness of the cover. I never read the dust jacket or even the title, or even check my favorite magazines, amazon, or the newspaper for book reviews. Lemme let you in on a little secret. If you want me to spend an additional $30 to $200 for your club's version of "VIP," THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION OF THE NIGHT is, "What are you gonna do for me in VIP?" If VIP is just a more expensive version of getting to watch you do what you do on stage (for no additional cost), then I frankly do not want you to have my $30 to $200 extra dollars. You don't deserve it. Only a woman could believe she should be paid extra for merely existing (see: alimony, child support, etc.).