
Comments by andresalzar

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Dating a stripper
    very true. there are strippers all over the world, US strippers are used to having their pussys on a pedestal beware. In order to bang a stipper on a regular basis you need to be a bonafied stud or have sic $. talk to them calmly seem uninterested chill at the bar, watch them pay attention don't blow your wad on the first plasic fantastic peace of ass u see, then grab there head insert wang into ear and find the soft spot ten begin, you have to mind fuck them hard.JK, kind of some like good dope if u got it, maby try to get inbetwwen to girls that don't like eachother make them jealous to fight for you. States is wack u probably have better luck in pattaya Thailand.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    international tail
    ty for info, club girls sound great but id rather fuck 10 street hos than 3 club girls.$ is an issue. why do some people say tj is so dangerous, people said the same thing about panama and Columbia. Columbia was one of the safest countrys ive ever been to, walkd around alone at night got lost never felt in danger. never been to tj so I don't know. is every body that says the shit is so dangerous inexperienced, have no balls or there stupid drunk friend get robbed or something?