
Comments by dbuck

  • article comment
    12 years ago
    How To Bag a Stripper
    I am in fact the stupidest man in America. I married a stripper whom i was in love with that i did not meet in a club. she was a stripper when i met her and stripped on and off for three years into the relationship. I then got her pregnant (she begged me to get her pregnant, she would say things like "you got that other bitch pregnant", anyway) she obviously would not dance while pregnant (chicks that do are gross, if showing, yuck). I married her, then a year into the marriage i was carrying groceries home, a lot of groceries and a full backpack, slipped on the ice, "minor" herniation of a disc in my lower back, hurt like hell, fucked up my dick game, belly got pudgy, got addicted to painkillers, talked shit about her fuck game to shift the focus off me, blah blah blah, she then went back to dancing and i feel that now she has been carrying on with other dudes, i have no physical proof, but the suspicion alone has caused me to carry on a affair with a stripper i did in fact meet in a club whom wants me to divorce my wife, i want neither of these psychos, i can handle the other bitch, but how do i tell someone that i still love that i no longer want to be married to her and go through with it, please help me.