
Comments by Theycallmejim (page 2)

  • review comment
    6 years ago
    A pasty club.....be aware
    Unfortunately dancers have to wear pasties in NYS. It's a prudish and stupid law but it's the law. That's why I go to Canada for my entertainment. It's a lot cheaper given the current exchange rate with much cheaper lap dances and much better contact (the only thing you can't touch is the vjay).
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Just say no
    I agree 100%. And for all the posters complaining about the border wait times get a NEXUS card. I did and it usually takes me less than 30 seconds to get across if there are no cars in front of me.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Sinclair's Review
    Thanks for the review. I guess I'll be skipping this club which is to bad. If it wasn't for the thug wannabe's it sounds like it could be a fun alternative to Canada.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Thursday night in buffalo
    90 bucks for a 15 min dance...really?!! That isn't even close to being a good deal considering what you get in Canada for more than half the price.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Sinclair's Review
    I agree with your comments. Buffalo strip clubs can't compete with the full contact clubs over the border and it definately hurts them. They need to lower their lap dance prices and allow more contact if they want to succeed. JMO.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    QEW Closed
    Update: The QEW is open now from the Peace Bridge to exit 27 (McLeod Rd) which is the one I use to get over to Lundy's Lane. My last visit was on 5/26 and I was just about to the door of the Downer when the Security dude said they were full and to go to Seductions. He was using one of those little clicker counters so I guess he was keep track of how many people were let in without Seductions wristbands. I went to Seductions, paid the cover, had one lap dance and went back to the Downer and got in with no problems. It was packed that night with some batchelor parties going on but there were plenty of the "Girls of Summer" giving dances so I wasn't to upset.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    QEW Closed
    Thanks but I have GPS in my car which I used to get back to the US on the QEW. It got me around the construction areas. For some reason it wouldn't find the Downer when I tried to use it on the way there but I was in Canada at the time so they probably was the problem.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Not a bad night
    I was told by a dancer that they are renovating the downstairs dance area so I'm sure that is impacting the upstairs vip rooms.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Back to Paradise
    Thanks for the information. I may of overreacted a bit but I have been going to the Downer for a while and I was surprised by what I was told by the dancers that I know. As I wrote I have known some of them for a while so I didn't think what they were telling me was wrong but you never know. I had never heard any of the dancers called back to the office so as I wrote I was surprised by that, especially since it kept happening the entire time I was there. Guess I will wait to see what happens this Summer at the club before drawing any more conclusions.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Dark Times
    Seen better
    If you read my review below I think that will explain the drop off in dancer quality. In the past I haven't read to many reviews where posters complained about the dancers and unfortunately if management doesn't change their attitude toward the dancers I think this will become a trend. I've seen clubs be driven into the ground then forced to close because of poor management and I REALLY hope this doesn't happen to the Downer.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    East Coast YMMV
    Had A Good Time
    I have been to the Downer several times in the past year and I haven't ever been offered extras which makes me wonder if the posters who claim they were are BSing everyone.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Overpriced and Underdelivered
    Are the owners out of their minds??!! They are in FL not Vegas. I would never pay those kind of prices for a private dance no matter how attractive the girl is.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    all you could want and probably more
    I didn't know that about the different rules in different parts of Canada. I thought anything was allowed no matter where you were.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    just as good as the neighbor.
    This is supposed to be the overflow crowd club but the last time I was there it was so dark and dingy I didn't hang around long. The owners really need to redo the interior of this club if they want to make any money off of it. I've heard a lot of SD dancers say they hate to come there because they don't make any money. And they need to hire better DJ's who actually know what music is good for strip clubs. The rap and techno crap they were playing the night I was there sucked big time.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    A Nice Club But...
    With the exchange rate I didn't really spend that much in American money. That's another reason I go to Canada instead of US clubs.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    I agree. NY strip clubs suck with their look but don't touch mentality. I only go to Canadian clubs now.