Comments by NOLAStripClubReview
- Strip Clubs and Relieving Stress for Actual Datingdiscussion comment12 years ago@lhard10: "I dunno lopaw. I think a good strip club session (+ some extras) would be the best thing for a depressed soul." I think it depends on why a person is depressed. I don't think strip clubs can help a depressed person for the same reason alcohol doesn't "help" a depressed person - because it doesn't actually fix anything. If someone is depressed because of a lack of intimacy or companionship (as Omega alluded to earlier), a strip club is nothing more than a temporary fix. What happens if he runs out of money, or wants to date a stripper or see her OTC and she refuses? Now you have the same problem - except you're out a few grand (or more).
- Strip Clubs and Relieving Stress for Actual Datingdiscussion comment12 years agoOmega, the other poster is correct - the reason you go to and enjoy strip clubs is completely up to you. I'm not interested in telling people how to enjoy their free time. However, whatever you're looking for in a strip club (female companionship, insurance for an unsuccessful date, post-breakup therapy, etc.) - you're probably not going to find it. Eventually you'll get tired of the same old questions and conversations with strippers (believe me, it starts to repeat itself). If you don't, maybe you even start to like one of these girls. Then what? You'll ask her out to dinner? Like every other desperate guy in the place. Don't fall into that trap. Just go to the club, enjoy all of the booze and topless/naked chicks, and when you leave the club - actually leave the club. Don't let that become your life. I like strip clubs because I get to see lots of different topless women in thongs at once. It's awesome. But I'm not going to give up my private life so I can spend more time at the strip club.
- discussion comment12 years agoIncrease in Services, odd developmentBook GuyI write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.Book Guy, is the club mentioned in your post Visions Men's Club in NO East? I noticed you reviewed that club a lot. If so, I have a pretty good idea of why you're seeing more ITC propositions - especially if you visit during the day.