Reviews by oldperv

Diamond Jim's
1399 S Hamilton Rd, Columbus, OH 43227, USA*
11 years ago
diamond jim's is becoming my favorite...
Diamond Jim's is becoming my favorite club again. Went on Saturday night about 9 pm. Were about 10 dancers there all in the 5-8 range. Chrissie was tending bar and I ordered a beer...

Diamond Jim's
1399 S Hamilton Rd, Columbus, OH 43227, USA*
11 years ago
diamond jim's is open and doing...
Diamond Jim's is open and doing well. Stopped in on a Saterday evening just aboyt shift change. There were 8-9 dancers but after first shift left about 5 remained. Dianah is on vacation so...

The Confidential Gentlemen's Club
1962 Lake Club Dr
Columbus, OH 43232
12 years ago
stopped in on a friday evening...
Stopped in on a Friday evening just before shift change. Formar Diamond Jim's barmaid Dianah was dancing. I ordered a beer an soon Dianah came over and sat with me. I bought her a...