Joined Oct, 2011
Last Seen Nov, 2022

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Should We Be Jealous of Dancers' BFs or Should They Be Jealous of Us?i hate to admit this but i just met a dancer, she is just my type and im jealous of her fiancee ... i…

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Dancer Hustle: Buying Drinks For The CustomerIt actually would be an interesting idea because often the girls get drinks at a lower price than the customers ... this is why…

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investing for the next 50 yearsin a volitile economic market the only stable investment is porn


Whoosah Lounge
614 NY-48
Fulton, NY 13069as i continue the quest to review all the clubs local to me, i made the drive to whoosah. based on reviews i…

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Do you Think Anderson Might be Gay?the same cooperpooper douche that posted the other thread?

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For the most Pathetic of the PL'sif i was rich and in the market for a ferrari...wouldnt be a bad way to buy one... but no such luck here

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Strippers who smoke at work or on the jobi agree, i dont smoke either and hate the smell but its a fact of stripclub life

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i think you are being nieve...if he is going to do something else, hes not going to tell you even if he "agrees" to…

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Am I headed down the wrong road?i think regardless if you are laying strippers on a regular basis for free or not doesnt matter because statistically being a younger guy,…

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Being social has many positive effects on your lifeI hate to sound like alucard but this is where it would be nice if someone was watching the boards and removing shit like…

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The "L" word.i am the eternal optimist and like to think maybe a dancer and a customer could fall in love after meeting in a club…

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Eating Pussyive been told i eat good pussy ... never like a lesbian though ... i think the biggest mistake is guys focus on the…

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Maximizing or throwing it away?i personally feel like its a stupid move ... i think its all about showing off when u prob shouldnt be in the first…

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MISS DELAWARE TEEN USA RESIGNS After Porn Surfacesthe teacher that got fired for being in porn was a lot hotter and better ...

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This is how it is done TD. LOL.no arrests? something else is going on if shes not pressing charges.

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Just got my ass handed to me by a stripper.hard to believe not something more to the story but i commend you for not fighting back ... you prob saved yourself jail time…

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A wad blowndid he really think le would believe 6 guys in 2 trucks robbed him with assult weapons? was a couple of guys in…


Alpine Gentleman's Club
401 Butternut St
Syracuse, NY 13208i have to say i went to alpine with high hopes and was disappoinred.
first in terms of location, this is not the best part…
first in terms of location, this is not the best part…

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Dumpster DivingI tend to agree in general, of course it is not a 100% rule but I have started to do the same kind of…

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woman who was fatally run over by a monster truck in a strip clubSounds like the family now owns a strip club ...