
Comments by shelbielou

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    golf tournaments with strip clubs
    Thanx guys I have been told pretty much the same thing by other people so far. that it gets the club packed girls caddy and lots of money is made but I need an insider who has played and or worked a tournament and some hard numbers and packages stuff like that so our club can maybe do one. yeah super dude I heard about business me getting in trouble with their wives and community so its gotta be done carfuly.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Ultimate Strip club
    lol yeah that might be hard to explain to the wife lol. I think the outdoor shower thing is pretty cool. do you know the name of the club?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Ultimate Strip club
    WOW Thank you all so much! you all had good ideas especially:canny, motorhead, ino123 and gillydon I really like the idea of an outside strip club pool but have never seen one before
  • review comment
    13 years ago
    Great club, girls are completely nude...
    they said it was an all nude club and byob but it is a topless club and has a liquore lic. you can not bring your own beer