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Joined Aug, 2011
Last Seen Aug, 2014


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12 years ago
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Pandora's Adult Cabaret
8914 Lake City Way NE Seattle, WA 98115
A good number of girls on...
A good number of girls on the floor, and a pretty good ethnic mix, along with a wide range of body types. Bunny and…
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13 years ago
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Déjà Vu Showgirls
15024 Tukwila International Blvd, Seattle, WA 98188, USA*
There were barely 3 girls on...
There were barely 3 girls on shift, and there was just one who even appeared remotely interesting in talking to the customers. There were…
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13 years ago
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Pandora's Adult Cabaret
8914 Lake City Way NE Seattle, WA 98115
Quite a few dancers for a...
Quite a few dancers for a Monday. $10 in cover and $5 for the mandatory drink, so it's reasonable. The owners are friendly, and…
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14 years ago
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Sands Showgirls
7509 15th Ave NW Seattle, WA 98117
This is a relatively low-volume club,...
This is a relatively low-volume club, atleast at night (10pm or later when I arrive here). There are quite a few girls here I…
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14 years ago
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Club SinRock
208 SW 16th St Renton, WA 98057
This club is good if you're...
This club is good if you're looking for light fun. I went in and about five minutes later this girl Hazel approached me, and…