
Comments by striphan

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Sounds like a standard squirt show.
  • review comment
    13 years ago
    I was kind of getting sober...
    Been going to this club for over three years. This post is absolute trash. Should have had a bilboard associated with it!
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Is Dating a Stripper a Mistake?
    You're probably right tiger. I am on my eigth dancer. I think that alone speaks volumes. I must have some sick obsession with turmoil and strife.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Is Dating a Stripper a Mistake?
    I wasn't trying to bash you tiger. I've never run a club but I've known alot of owners and managers. I've been around them since 88' when I was Playing clubs in the Dale Mabry area of Tampa. I'm sure you've heard of Mons Venus. You are right, most of the ladies assume they're going to be miss nude someday, maybe even Playboy. They also believe that they can extract as much cash as they want from a customer. That's why you enjoy those vacations. I'm not that guy and I do take the time to find out who's doing what. I NEVER accept a private. My angle is a date and I've had plenty. OTC money? Out of the question. As far as taking a girl out of the club? I've never once asked a dancer to quit, that's her decision. There's a fine line here between job/sex/boyfriend. Now the Taco Bell/cigarrettes reference is a good one. I'm currently involved with a dancer and I WILL NOT go to the club while she's working (terrible etiquette). If you're really interested in the dancer why watch the endless line for the lap dances? I guess the point is you're going to lose some of your beautiful ladies to guys who frequent your club. Who the hell would want to do the job for a decade or so? There's always the next crop of 18 yr.old naive ladies.
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    13 years ago
    Is Dating a Stripper a Mistake?
    "To those few of you who actually have enough game to take them out of my club, I'd like to strike you with the hammer of Thor one thousand times over" Now thats funny. You talk about respect but you don't actually have any for your co-workers. Doesn't make any sense. Ever pick up a chick in any other line of work while she's working? What's the difference? You make it sound like evey last dancer is an outright prostitute. I dated an escort in Daytona who lived on the inlet and made 5 times my salary and I do quite well. She never asked me for a dime. I get what you're saying but there are those who just like what they see and they "attempt" to have a normal relationship with that person. Just sayin~
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    13 years ago
    Is Dating a Stripper a Mistake?
    I understand what you're saying jestrite. I learned to take a different approach at the club. Never get a private. By employing this tactic you're obviously not going to have as much "fun". I figure if the girls are going to lie then why shouldnt I do the same? "I'm just here to relax and enjoy the scenery and have a drink". After a few visits I figure out who's about the money and who wants a date. I must admit, I am a good looking gentleman so that helps. I tell them up front you're not getting my money. Somehow this has worked for me many, many times. I'll take it for what it's worth knowing that a woman in this line of work is usually not worth the time you're going to invest.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Is Dating a Stripper a Mistake?
    Oh my! Dated my first stripper in 89'. Never learned my lesson. I've been through eight now and the end result is always the same. DRAMA! Never changes. So who's fault is that? Bottom line is I like a woman who's tough as nails and isn't going to tell me I can't stick it in her ass (no sense sugar-coating). Currently dating a dancer in her early 20's (I'm 40 but I look 30). Same story line. Lot's of drama. When we go out I never pay for anything. Again, seen that before. I already know what the deal is. Maybe this time it will be different~yeah right. It's always an adventure dating an "entertainer". I must like the drama.