Comments by erikthered
review comment
5 years ago
How about we change the laws in SC county ... in Seattle a county wide rule requiring no “simulated sex” and a “four foot rule” was instituted about 20 years ago. It didn’t last long. I’m not sure what happened. But grinding was back before long. But before the law changed I used this website and found the best damned strip clubs in America and started traveling. :)
review comment
5 years ago
Why not share more about which girl you went with? Just sayin
review comment
5 years ago
Awesome review. I’m really more of a sucker than you are. My ATF at Adelitas has been Azul, all natural except for her bleached blond hair. She’s got an athletic build, late 20s. I have accepted her non-GFE service and paid $80 + far too many times. She’s a pro with many years under her belt.
Thanks a bunch for including names... I am going to tell Azul to go sit somewhere else the next time I am there. After 12-15 Arribas this summer she is not showing enough gratitude. Lol.
review comment
5 years ago
Adventures of Assjobman
Excuse the typos. I don’t see any way to edit.
review comment
5 years ago
Adventures of Assjobman
Wow thanks for the awesome missed details. And a trip down memory lane. It’s been all of one month since I was there! I like to read these reviews and see how many guys of I had fun with the same girls I have. This past summer I must’ve had eight or 9 HK BGs And two or three became ETFs. Even got them outside of the club for dinners and movies and duo massages. 1 ex Hong Kong BG became my go to girl for most of the summer. She now works at Adelitas. I’ll be back there in three weeks!. I got to ask why did you go all the way back to the US just to get cash? There are ATMs all over that place and you could use pesos. In fact the ATM near the cascadas front desk gives pesos with a very reasonable service fee. I agree though it’s very hard to find dollars without having to pay a $20 service fee. All the ATMs in front of Adelitas charge 20 bucks or something!
review comment
5 years ago
Oh. $40 except Monday and Tuesday - $20.
I can’t sleep there. Even with earplugs.
FYI Adelitas has new management. My ATF is afraid to meet me at my apartment (Airbnb) now and won’t even meet me for a meal unless it is outside Tijuana. Adelita girls are essentially trafficked and captive. Sucks.
review comment
5 years ago
If your Vip on Mondays and Tuesdays its 80% off $60 - so about 11 bucks. Basic room with shower and toilet... clean. Never had an executive suite before. But I think they start at $80. Otherwise $60. But it is quiet on the 6th floor.
How much is the Rizos?
review comment
5 years ago
YES... BUT... the building is only 4 stories tall and the entire structure vibrates to the woofers in the club... Even with ear plugs I couldn't sleep. My ATF (well she used to be till she started texting me from Mexico City asking for money and I gave her a lecture on using people she really doesn't care for) at Adelitas - Azul, slept on the same floor... not sure how the girls sleep at all. Crazy.
I have had better luck with hotels or airbnb or something a mile or so away from Zona Norte... its quiet enough to sleep. Just sayin.
Oh, if you are a VIP member at the Hong Kong, Hotel Cascadas gives deals too and you can get up on the 6th floor... or higher if you get premium.... Its quiet enough to get a good nights sleep.
review comment
6 years ago
Not sure of her schedule but for the last several months she's been there pretty consistently. Can't guarantee her behavior by August :) Your mileage may vary, as they say - YMMV
review comment
6 years ago
Well... excuse me for trying to keep my cold virus to myself.... lol
review comment
6 years ago
I’ve gone in for a drink and left without arriba a few times before. It is possible!
review comment
6 years ago
Does the Chicago Club have a hotel attached like HK and Adelitas? What is it called? I am currently staying at Cascadas
review comment
6 years ago
Thanks Papi ... but really have to have been here. She herself said the knock was 20 mins. And she didn’t seem surprised or irritated at all
review comment
6 years ago
Thanks. That’s what I am assuming now. Damn. She is hot tho. Thanks for the comment. She has what we call Golden Pussy Syndrome GPS. But she hid it pretty well until a little over half way through our 30 minutes. The she broke her promise to kiss like my novia and started turning her head... if I can I will edit this review a bit. I was still basking in the glow to think straight.
review comment
6 years ago
I here you. The suspicion is enough.
review comment
6 years ago
It just occurred to me that maybe she asked them to knock at 20 minutes. Hmmmm. I’ve only been there twice and the first time that didn’t happen.
review comment
6 years ago
I will suggest she try the Chicago club. I’m not sure if she has yet or not.
review comment
6 years ago
Yes. Of course. Just stop with the tips. I’m not sure why I didn’t think of that. Thank you.