
Comments by slick316 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Pariah of the club...
    I go to Dallas sometimes, so that helps with my SC fix. It would just be nice to find a good local place. Or maybe I'm just too picky? Hopefully tonight goes better.
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    11 years ago
    I tell bitches to sprinkle that shit between their toes because I love feet. Actually I don't love feet. I feel most people need to have shoes and socks on at all times in public. Not everyone has show feet.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Pariah of the club...
    Definitely need to change clubs. I was there for an hour and a half. Paid $5 to get in, $10 for a drink with tip (not even sure why I tipped since it took 30 minutes to get it). There were 5 other people in there, 4 dancers, 1 bartender/waitress, and 4 other staff members not including the lady at the door. The one girl with "talent" was being monopolized by one guy. Hopefully she got him to spend money on her after I left because the entire time I was there, they didn't leave the bar. Another girl looked like an older, out of shape, Maggie Gyllenhaal to me (droopy face and everything else). The 3rd dancer reminded me of the 90s. I think it was the hair and her overall look. Then there was the annoying chick. I would have tried a dance from her since I was so bored, but she never came around to me again. A few of the other guys left before I did since no one came up to them either (we all tipped on stage at some point too). It was definitely poorly ran. Left with $310 in my pocket. There is another club that I like to go to in the evenings, but its been going down hill also. I might just give it a shot today also, if it sucks it will just be another club to add to my "Fuck that place" list. I should also point out that it was $10 lap dance day at this club, once I found that out I knew if I did get dances, they'd probably suck.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Pariah of the club...
    Wow, this isn't going well. I'm sitting in the club right now. As soon as I sat down, a dancer sits down next to me. She was good looking, slightly chubby but I like that. She introduces herself and then immediately asks me what I drive. I tell her and she says "I don't think I can drive something flashy like that. Wouldn't want all that attention." Not even sure what to think of this. She kept saying crap like that though. I'd tell her where I live and she'd criticize me. Christ almighty. I was glad when she left. It's been 30 minutes since I've been sitting here and I still don't have a drink. This is lame. But I'm stupid enough to put up with it for a little longer. I'm eyeing some talent as I type this.
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    11 years ago
    Pariah of the club...
    I don't flash my money for all to see. But what I normally do is tip the waitress/bartender well and tip well on stage. I like to keep a good rep with the staff. Not having to pay for cover or getting drinks at lower prices and often times, getting way better service is a perk for me. It used to be that I would go into my favorite club, one of the waitresses would approach me, drink in hand, and then would sit with me and tell me about the girls on shift that night. If I expressed interest in any of them, 5 minutes later, they'd be at my table. That's called service. Now I sit there hoping that someone notices me, and when they do, I have to someone convince this person that I would spend some money on them. The new management at this place sucks.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Pariah of the club...
    I go to this place often and was known as a regular with the staff and ladies. But new management and new staff means I'm nobody again. Hard to start over and be the "new" guy again, hate having to prove that I can spend money. Going back today, mid afternoon visit. We'll see how that goes.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Pariah of the club...
    I've never had anyone ever notice my watches. This is the first time, and it was an odd experience.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Pariah of the club...
    Great hustle, left with all the cash I came with. Pretty much, the more I go to SC's, the less I like them. I'm only 31, but I feel like the oldest fucker in the club at times. Honestly, it shouldn't be that hard to get me to spend all the money I came with.