
Comments by FreeWill95

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    13 years ago
    What's her problem? Share your similar stories ( About prude dancers! )
    Wow...I definitely don't condone the BS approach of the dancer in the original post. It isn't always a dancer's limits that make her shy away from being grabbed. I used to work in clubs where the dancer touching the guy was fine (well, short of sexual acts), but the guy touching the dancer wasn't according to the club's rules. At one club in particular, the Manager would pop into the lap dance area periodically. I didn't have a problem with a guy putting his hands on me, but the club did. Fear of getting caught made me cautious. I'd bend the rules when I felt I could; otherwise, I'd put guys off as gently as possible. I don't think I could work in an air dance club. I feel like it would just piss customers off, and I was one of those dancers who really wanted customers to be happy.
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    14 years ago
    Etiquette a dancers advice and perspective
    Okay, Dudester, now you're really pissing me off. As I wrote before, I left dancing so that I could whore in a setting where I could relax. I'm a slut-one who is careful about my health and safety-and I'm not ashamed. But why is it SO difficult to get through your head that NOT ALL STRIPPERS ARE WHORES?! I've read stripper blogs written by very literate and intelligent strippers. One, "rivercitykitty.com," (with entries from 2002-2008) was written by a dancer who had danced for over a decade. And guess what? She didn't let men grope her, let alone do extras. And even more shocking...gasp...she still made great money and won many loyal customers! And...wait for it...she has a BA in English! So this dancer, like me, had the education to get a straight job. This dancer wasn't a druggie either. So why did she dance? Because she couldn't make the same money with an English degree as she could with her tits (as she put it). Because she wanted the freedom of not working a 9 to 5 job. And because she loved dancing. So before you tell dancers to get a job where they DESERVE the respect to not be told "Dance, bitch," consider that they may be a hell of a lot smarter than you are and that they may have reasons that aren't addiction or desperation for wanting to dance, even though they could do other things. Are there fucked up, uneducated, druggie dancers? Hell yeah. But assuming that all dancers are like that is like me assuming that all customers are ugly asshole horndogs who would never get laid if they didn't pay for it. And just who the fuck do you think you are, Dudester? What, you think that just because you wave money around, dancers should all bow down to you? You think you're so superior? Not when your posts are so ignorant and misogynistic. I believe you wrote in a post on this thread that "the customer is always right." No, he isn't. Think of it this way: if workers in the adult industry went by this motto, there would be a lot of "Gee, Mr. Stranger! I'll ride you bareback! After all, you hate the way condoms feel!". Limits can be for your own safety. They can also be to avoid getting fired and/ or arrested (but I covered this before). So, really, get over yourself. Have you heard of Diablo Cody? Former stripper who won an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay? Do you have an Oscar? I didn't think so. Oh yeah...Diablo Cody didn't whore, either. So in the spirit of the "Dance, bitch" command you love so much: Go fuck yourself, horndog!
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    15 years ago
    Etiquette a dancers advice and perspective
    To Dudester: If you're paying $300 an hour for a private session ITC, here's a thought: Just hire an escort! You can pay less per hour (even for girls who aren't dogs). You likely already know this, though. I've worked as a stripper and as an escort. When I was dancing, I couldn't understand why guys would pay so much money for the champagne room (or many private dances) instead of just "cutting to the chase" and likely spending less money. Is it a guarantee of the "merchandise" (to avoid bait and switch)? Is it necessary in order for the sex to be fulfilling? We all have our fetishes, after all. I'm just curious. On a more general note: I'm an open-minded sort. Hell, if it were legal, I wouldn't be opposed to (safe) orgies in clubs. But things being what they are, I must say I resent the "extras ITC or else" attitude I see here a lot. I wanted to make guys happy. I wanted to say "yes." I was just afraid of getting caught, and I couldn't relax and be at my best in this circumstance. There are clubs where extras are very risky, and while you guys may not care if a dancer loses her job, she does. (And I'm sorry, but it's just fucked up to fire the dancer on the spot and let the customer who is putting on a condom stay in the club. Yes, I'm thinking of your friend, Shadowcat.) So if a dancer gets really nervous about ITC extras, consider that maybe she's just trying to KEEP her profession. Since customer money talks loudly, especially now, the dancer has much more to lose than the ITC "john." I quit dancing because I was tired of keeping a constant eye out for management, even for more minor extras. (I was once written up for kissing.) With precautions, it's far less likely that cops will burst into a hotel room. It's a much better venue for me. Oh, and for the record, I'm educated, and I've never been addicted to drugs. Au revoir!