Joined Aug, 2009
Last Seen Nov, 2021

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Might be a Strip ClubA very useful review because it tells customers not to expect much.


Nite Life
2551 Richmond Service Rd, Lexington, KY 40509, USA*Currently, this club is closed for remodeling according to the sign near the entrance. So some of this information could become obsolete soon. The…


Nite Life
2551 Richmond Service Rd, Lexington, KY 40509, USA*This club is a good value. Lately, it has added two for one beers for only $3.75 in the late afternoon and early evening.…


Cowboys Showgirls
1515 Russell Cave Rd
Lexington, KY 40505Cowboys is Lexington's oldest strip club, and although it was remodeled a few years ago, its age is showing, but in a good way.…


Nite Life
2551 Richmond Service Rd, Lexington, KY 40509, USA*I was in Cam. East on a Saturday from 5:30-10PM. The first 3 hours or so the club was not crowded, which is the…


Nite Life
2551 Richmond Service Rd, Lexington, KY 40509, USA*The appearance of the club has improved greatly since renovation began last year. The dancers were friendly and were interested in doing couch dances…


Cowboys Showgirls
1515 Russell Cave Rd
Lexington, KY 40505Cowboy's dayshift is very lively for the afternoon. The patrons tend to be blue collar types. The cost of drinks and dances compares favorably…