
Comments by leanbowline11211

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    For women, and I believe men, the brain is the biggest sex organ. If the bigger dick is attached to the appendage, size doesn't matter.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The ABC's 0f stripping....stolen from FOX NEWS
    Brilliant! Its great to finally admit to the sensuality of a srtip tease, rather than the dodgeyness of "extras" and "what do I get?". Just shut up, sit back and enjoy.
  • article comment
    14 years ago
    Psychology of a Dancer
    Gimme a small break, where did you get these reasons from? Did you take the time from your wretched life to make this up? I think you all try to phsycho analyze dancers to distract you form the fact that these women are exploiting you and that you're weak. Most women in clubs that I have gone to are gorgeous, have great conversation are are incredibly sexy. Admitting your weaknesses is the first step to understanding yourself, rather than write a pathetic article to gain access to a shitty strip club review site for free. Enough drivel and write something that makes sense, if you have the capacity. No wonder some girls at clubs are edgy, there are so many losers out there.