Comments by newcomer2525
review comment
3 years ago
Being old enough to remember the glory days of yesteryear, the gentlemen's take is spot on, based on my more recent visits. It's too bad, because yesteryear's version was quite amazing -- but it's long gone, sadly.
review comment
3 years ago
Los Angeles
Based on a few visits to this club over the last few years (as a visitor to Los Angeles), the gentleman's review (and the more recent review by the same gentleman) is a very accurate take on this club. Thanks for it!
review comment
3 years ago
I too was there back in the early/mid-90s. It was as you wrote. Those were the days!
review comment
3 years ago
Good and fair review, based on my experience at this club.
The quality of the dancers is directly prorportional to how much they charge, Their ability to get above market rates for dances and private rooms is what draws the high end dancer talent to this club.
review comment
10 years ago
Apologies for all the typos in this review; f*cking spell check (and poor proofreading); I'd fix them, but I cannot find an edit function.
review comment
10 years ago
oops -- my bad on not seeing the character limit; on its best days SG is one such place; its talent level is hit or miss, though, on any given night.
review comment
10 years ago
Haha! Love the use of the term "breastaurants". Agree that today's fare is a long way down from the glory days of the 1990s; you can still find some quality out there that is "shadow on the wall" reminder of those days, and on its best nights, Solid Gold
review comment
10 years ago
Very helpful to get this review of the new management iteration of this club. Seems like same old same old; dancer quality here has been lame for years.