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Joined Jan, 2009
Last Seen Mar, 2015


avatar for joeman26
12 years ago
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Tootsie's Cabaret
150 NW 183rd St Miami, FL 33169
Was at Tootsies about a month...
Was at Tootsies about a month ago on a Sunday night. The club is a lot of fun. Tons of girls of all different…
avatar for joeman26
13 years ago
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Tootsie's Cabaret
150 NW 183rd St Miami, FL 33169
Tootsies was a great club to...
Tootsies was a great club to visit. The club is huge and has two levels, although the upper level was empty when I was…
avatar for joeman26
16 years ago
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Tootsie's Cabaret
150 NW 183rd St Miami, FL 33169
Tootsies, as everyone says, is huge....
Tootsies, as everyone says, is huge. There were mainly spanish girls. One was super cute with a nice ass. She was young too (you…
avatar for joeman26
16 years ago
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Tootsie's Cabaret
150 NW 183rd St Miami, FL 33169
Been here before. Great club. Lots...
Been here before. Great club. Lots of spanish women though. lap dances foe 25 and champagne room for 75 at night. Each girl charges…
avatar for joeman26
16 years ago
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Tootsie's Cabaret
150 NW 183rd St Miami, FL 33169
The later at night the better....
The later at night the better. Hotter girls come in and are interested in making sure you have fun. Waitresses aren't pushy and girls…