Joined Dec, 2007
Last Seen Jul, 2010


Little Darlings
3516, 1336 Ravine Rd
Kalamazoo, MI 49004I checked out this club on Monday. For $5 entry and some $5 drinks, I could watch some titties as I watched the…


Cracker Jaxx
419 Park Pl
Jackson, MI 49201It's about the forth time I've been here, but until now I didn't find much worth talking about. Since my last visit, they…


Glass City Showgirls
155 Matzinger Rd, Toledo, OH 43612, USA*I tried this club on my way through Toledo Friday, and again on the way back Sunday. No cover both times, or I…


The Men's Club Flint
1511 E Atherton Rd
Flint, MI 48507Of the three Flint clubs I visited Tuesday night, this was the only one with dancers I'd pay for a lap dance. The…


Bouzouki Gentlemen's Club Greektown
432 E Lafayette Blvd
Detroit, MI 48226I was here on Friday night. I almost left when I saw the bathroom. The attendant tidied it up when he got…


621 E Michigan Ave.
Jackson, MI 49201I went to this club because it promised to be a grill as well as a decent pub. When I asked for the…


Roxy Showgirls
5745 Telegraph Rd
Toledo, OH 43612At first, I was well impressed. 2 dances for $30 every hour, private room with a TV that shows porn, and a free…