
Comments by ohiochop

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    15 years ago
    Park Forest man ripped off by woman he met at strip club
    Yep, its fits the profile. Guy having some kind of mid-life reset, likley not happy at home, she's older, "mature" which gives perceived credibility. She gets him into a romantic relationship, so he helps, thinks he will be the facilitator to transition her out of the business and they will live happily ever after. Right: no good deed goes unpunished. Am not very religious but this prayer line comes to mind: ... all evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. He is ruined now in a lot of ways. Least of which is the money. A whore such as this is one of these evil spirits as well as those in the business like her. I like to think they are an exception in the stripper population.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stay where the strippers stay!
    Chi-sam's comments are consistent with my experience. My former ATF stays at either Drury Inn's or Hampton etc. She works at PT's Sauget so would head to the hotel/restaurant clusters at Collinsville or Fairview Heights. As long as they aren't fully booked, they are happy to accomodate since she gets there around 6:30am Saturday morning and leaves by 4pm to head back to work. Would suspect they re-book the room.
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    Was it Really Love?
    And high ITC mileage.
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    Was it Really Love?
    Hypnotized? That explains it. I thought it was the 32DD's riding on the size 4, 5'9" frame, perfectly capped teeth, engaging personality saying things like you are my rock etc etc. LOL. Appreciate the opportunity to vent.
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    12 years ago
    Was it Really Love?
    Thank Che. The "long con" is a good description. I initially sent her $1000 with a promissory note for some car repair thing after being laid off etc. No coincidence it was incidental to our exchanging of personal information in August 2007 as this sob story came out during my September 2007 visit. She ultimately never cashed the check saying she had thought better of it as she didn't want money to interefere with our personal relationship. I didn't realize this was the gutsy initial con on her part.
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    12 years ago
    Was it Really Love?
    I forgot to state the obvious. We met at PT's Sports Cabaret in Sauget, IL in Fall, 2006. I started going there once a month/one night incidental to business travel. By August,2007, I was seeing her two nights a month, we had exchanged phone numbers, real names etc. As mentioned the last time I saw "Morianna" was April 2009.
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    Was it Really Love?
    All comments are on the mark. As I suffered extremely, including $$$ through the same thing. I can relate to the initial trigger to go to a club etc. Unfortunately this professional, sociopathic grifter played me like a fiddle. No one needs to post that I was an idiot. That would not be news to me. Here is the complaint I brought against her which ultimately did nothing more than we will give her a scare according to the Butler County, Missouri Prosecutor. I did travel there to give a deposition to her attorney. I don't fault their logic that no jury would convict. I am filing this complaint against T L. ------------- of -------------, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 (alternate address --------------) for Fraud by Deceit over a period from March 2008 through May 2009. Specifically, that she represented herself to me as described as follows. Based on these false representations, I provided her money for $42,150 over the 14-month period, all documented, to pay bills, legal restitution and to replace personal property. 1) That she was not legally married to the extent of being a single mother with one child, named -------------, either 6 or 7 years old. She further represented herself as being alone without any financial support from any other party including her father. I mention her father only because she said he could and would help if she asked him. She stated that out of pride she would not ask him for assistance. a) I recently learned she is married. On two occasions, August 2007 and December 2007 I directly asked her if there was a husband or boy friend. In August 2007, she said there was no man in her life. b) In December 2007 and January 2008, I asked her about information I had read in the obituary of her late stepmother, C ------------- where T and a husband D are listed with children ------------- and -------------. In December 2007, she initially said D and her were separated. In January 2008 she amended this to say they were not legally married but partners through “laying on of hands” or words to that effect, without legal binding, and had not had a relationship for 10 years save the birth of their child ------------- 5 years prior. c) I understand that ------------- is older and there could be up to four children in total. 2) She did not have the resources to pay: a) Restitution in the amount of almost $1,300 per month/60 months for her July 2008 felony conviction for Medicaid Fraud (-------------- ST V T L -------------, 7 year Suspended Execution of Sentence, 5 years supervised probation). I later learned this to be $800/month. b) Attorney general fines related to this same conviction in excess of $10,000 with an April remaining balance in excess of $5,000 (see attachment “Texts from T ------------- to ------------- -------------”). These fees have only come into the picture this Winter. On Wednesday, April 29th, we had an extensive text conversation about these where she alleged the State Attorney General through the County Prosecutor was pressuring her to close on the balance. She said her attorney would lend her the money but this was a last resort. I offered to pay it directly to her attorney or the Prosecutor. She said this was not practical due to having to be a cash transaction. I now understand there never were any attorney general fines. c) Student Loans, amount unknown. d) Monthly mortgage for $900. e) Annual Missouri personal property tax of approximately $400. f) Medical bills including doctor fees, lab fees and prescriptions of approximately $1500 / Winter 2009. I understand her husband does now or at one time worked for the Poplar Bluff --------------. Presumably, there are medical benefits available to her if he is such employed. g) Replace her previous vehicle, an older model Tahoe, supposedly due to a blown engine and the associated closure of an auto loan, $9000. I provided her $5000 to supplement this transaction of closing the loan, selling the Tahoe and buying a used car. She told me the sale and purchase was in Poplar Bluff including a dealer in the Fairdealing / Doniphan area. However, the used car purchased, a late model Pontiac GTO, has a Collinsville, IL dealer sticker. I observed this on 16 April 2009 in the parking lot of the Hampton Inn, Cape Girardeau, MO. h) Replace various appliances that were supposedly ruined during the ice storm experienced in late January, early February 2009 for $900. i) For groceries month to month where I frequently sent her gift cards from Kroger’s and Wal-Mart to assist her. j) For her weekly hotel stay in the Madison County, Illinois area incidental to her employment at PT’s Sports Cabaret in Sauget, IL. To be accurate I initiated the offer to cover this weekly expense when she supposedly was laid off from working as a hand at various local farms/ranches. The last and primary place of local employment was the -------------- k) In addition, she said she did not have resources to retain various personal items due to selling them to gain cash to pay bills. These included various power sports equipment including a Jet Ski and two motorcycles. I later learn she has 2 Jet Skis. Most importantly, she represented herself as being in love with me. In her words: I was her man, there was no one else etc, she did not want to lose me, she wanted me in her life, you are heaven sent, you are my rock and guardian angel. That she was happy we shared the same dreams for the future. She said I gave her hope through supporting this dream by my saving money to attain them. She never resisted, countered or tried to set straight this mutual understanding nor did she ever ask to stop supporting her including when I made her the beneficiary of an account I established for her dreams. I provided her a copy of the documents establishing the account. From March 2008 through April 2009, I provided T ------------- the following cash assistance: Gift Cards by US Mail/UPS or hand delivered for groceries and restaurants: $2,250 Wire Transfer through Western Union from Sidney, Ohio to Poplar Bluff MO: $28,500 Bank Checks made out to her and deposited in a Poplar Bluff Bank: $11,400 Total: $42,150 Please see attachments for further details and documentation. The last time I was with T ------------- was on Thursday, April 16th and Friday, April 17th. • On Thursday, we met in Cape Girardeau at the Hampton Inn around 5:40pm. After a quick visit to my room to give her a family quilt, we had drinks and dinner next door at the Outback. There we tested a used Blackberry Pearl that I gave her as she told me two-three weeks prior her multi-functional cell phone had stopped working. We left there for AT&T Cingular to look at accessories. We then went to the Mall where we shopped for a variety of things including a phone accessory, clothing and house wares all of which I bought for her. We departed the mall at closing around 9pm where at her suggestion we crossed the Mississippi River to East Cape Girardeau, IL to the Pony club where she had worked off and on. We had one drink and departed to return to the hotel. Upon return, we watched TV and talked. She needed to depart around 11:00-11:30 to return to Poplar Bluff by 1am for -------------’s babysitter. Before she departed around 11:30, I gave her a Cashier’s check for $3000 to cover month end bills including restitution. I also insisted to pay for the baby sitter. • On Friday, April 17th we met at PT’s Sports Cabaret in Sauget, IL. This was at 8pm upon the start of her weekend shift. I stayed there until approximately 3:30am when I returned directly to Ohio. During the period we were together, we had multiple drinks and in the course of the evening paid her money per the fees of that club. On the evening of 3 May 2009, I discovered her www.myspace.com web site: “---------” where there were pictures of her children, her husband or boyfriend and various blog and “twitter” entries that countered most of what has been described in paragraphs 1-4. When I immediately asked her through text message about what I saw. She did not respond and within minutes made the site private. In spite of a few attempts to ask her to explain things, I have not talked to her since Saturday 2 May 2009. I am filing this complaint following discussions and recommendations provided by Mr. R H of the Missouri Attorney Medicaid Fraud Control Unit and her Probation Officer, MS. T W of the Missouri Parole Office, Poplar Bluff, MO. In summary, I provided this assistance to T L. ------------- accepting as fact the willful mis-representations she made as outlined. I simply would not have provided these monies if I had known: • she was married, • there were true, lesser obligations and • Her overall personal situation was other than represented to me as evidenced by looking at her myspace web page as seen on 3 May 2009.