
Comments by WEKing889

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What acts define a PL?
    I've thought of myself as a PL before, but believe, like Alucard alluded, that it's more about attitude and confidence than what's actually happening in the day to day. We all spend money on the fantasy. Each for different reasons and varied expectations. If we make a connection with one, great see what happens. If not, we leave with an empty wallet wondering how long it will be til we go again.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Strippers in Public
    Yeah, I've found that in nearly all aspects of life outside the club that dancers tend to be regular people. Some are slobs, some are superficial always trying to impress. Yes we all need groceries. The stripper demographic is such a small slice of the population you'd be hard pressed to find them in the real world if you didn't know them or in juicebox6's scenario. The bell curve will always apply (in the club too).