
Comments by Beaniceguy

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    What would you do if you owned a club?
    It's funny I've thought about what I'd do if I had a club also. I would try to run a club that supported dancers to go to college and develop good careers after the entertainment days are over. I would pay them a minimum wage and then they could still make a ton of money on non-reported tips but have workers compensation insurance while on the job. I'd award them college tuition payments based on hours worked, reliability, and their completion of college credit. With the girls I would emphasize great customer service--making the rounds to chat a bit with everyone and making sure each patron has a good time. I think if you took care of a great group of motivated, smart college girls who were doing something with their lives it would make for a fabulous club.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Some Dancers Value Friendship
    I've had instances with dancers I actually took a little time to get to know who would almost beg me to come in and see them on a regular basis. And as has been indicated, I didn't drop more than perhaps $20 on stage dances in the course of an evening. However, I did take an interest in their real lives and was able to hold a conversation. I also think being nice goes a long way with girls who often I think are demeaned by some real asshole guys. So, yeah davephx, you are definitely on to something here.