Comments by bluize

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Northern Cal
    High Mileage Dances and High Mileage Dancers
    I thought we were doing 3/$100. I was wrong.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Northern Cal
    High Mileage Dances and High Mileage Dancers
    Sorry about the incoherence and lack of spacing. Auto-correct kicked in on several words. I was in town for a convention, not conversion. Also, I indented paragraphs to make them easier to identify. This app doesn’t recognize that. So, yes, spaces between paragraphs help. Tias is as OG12346 described.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Northern Cal
    Completely Underwhelmed
    Oops. Purple Diamond is about 10 minutes EAST of Gold Club.