Comments by funguy81
discussion comment
5 months ago
The girls don't get to the clubs in Columbus until 10:00 to 11:00 at night and the clubs close at 2:00 AM. And then they complain about not making any money. Since Covid nobody wants to work?
review comment
2 years ago
PepsiMan, Funny, I thought the same thing. Why isn't a beautiful girl like you dancing at the FC or LS? So I asked her. She said some girls at the FC lied about her so they wouldn't hire her. I asked what kind of lies? She said they said she started fights, which she said was a lie because she has never been in a fight.
review comment
2 years ago
Lurker21, after you have reviewed the same club several times it is hard to describe the same place differently. I think it is dumb that we have to keep describing the same place in every review?? But hey I don't make the rules.
review comment
2 years ago
Yeah, that is what I thought. What the hell is a young beautiful girl doing at Bogarts ??? She seemed to be just collecting tips on the stage.
review comment
4 years ago
There was no price given for the dances because they were more than typical Ohio dances and I don't want to see this place get shut down.
article comment
4 years ago
In NJ. Goes to Pa for BJ.
Not to rain on the parade but....... Look at the San Francisco City Clinic website about STDS. It is really good about every option and what you get from her and what she can get from you in the process. It really opened my eyes on what can transfer orally. Have fun be careful.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Thanks for all your comments. First, this may sound stupid but where do you find the review guidelines? Second, I would rather read a bunch of short quick reviews that are current, than a one page review with tons of detail about the stage, the bar, the lighting, the carpet that is 6 moths old. Only to drive to the club and find it closed. With all the literary critics reviewing the reviews and rejecting the short ones we are going to end up with just a bunch of old detailed reviews. I sorry but I write what I want to read. In my experience the building, bar and stage pretty much stays the same year after year. You can normally find out the physical shape of the place by reading a few reviews back. What changes a lot are the girls, white / black; fat / skinny; ugly / pretty; and young / old. I try to give an overall flow of the club, (because management changes a lot also) and what my experience was. A lot of the time I stop in for 2 beers and am gone in an hour. I assumed somebody would want to know the club was open, what the cover charge and beer price was and how many girls were working. I'm sorry but it doesn't take six paragraphs to say that. So if the short quick review is a think of the past, I guess I will just fade away.....................