
Comments by TJ3

  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    ILLEGAL criminal(RAPISTS, MURDERERS...) immigrants abound in U.S.A.
    www.steinreport.com RUSH LIMBAUGH: CRIMES AMERICANS WON'T COMMIT Commenting on a report that tens of thousands of illegal alien criminals are on the loose in the U.S., Rush Limbaugh said, " Why would you have local municipalities passing laws that prohibit their police officers from enforcing federal immigration laws? There is an answer. It’s obvious to me, ladies and gentlemen, that we need these people in this country because they are committing the crimes American criminals will not commit, and these police officers in local communities need work, and so the last thing a city wants is budget cuts in the police force, and since these illegal immigrants are committing crimes that Americans will no longer commit, these cops have jobs. If it weren't for the illegal aliens committing murder, rape, drug deals, and molesting children, there might not be enough American criminals to do the job, providing work for cops. Makes sense to me."
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    ILLEGAL criminal(RAPISTS, MURDERERS...) immigrants abound in U.S.A.
    STEIN REPORT Friday, January 30 2004 BUSH AMNESTY TALK DRIVING UP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION " In the month since President Bush floated his non-amnesty amnesty program, the number of immigrants caught attempting to enter the country illegally at the biggest border crossing checkpoint is up 15 percent," says Joseph Farah of Worldnetdaily. "In other words, George Bush rolled out the red carpet for more illegal immigration. In other words, George Bush sent out engraved invitations for more illegal immigration. In other words, George Bush undermined the immigration laws of this country. In other words, in a time of heightened national security concerns, George Bush has helped to overwhelm our already stretched law-enforcement resources at our borders. In other words, George Bush is promoting law breaking."
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Shameful ASSAULT on Free Speech
    SIERRA CLUB WAGING INTERNAL DEBATE OVER IMMIGRATION Three prominent immigration reform advocates are seeking election to the Sierra Club’s board of directors in an upcoming election to be held among the group’s 750,000 members. The Sierra Club, the most prominent environmental group in the country, with an annual budget of $95 million, has been struggling with the immigration issue for some time. The three board candidates, former Colorado Governor Richard Lamm, Professor David Pimentel of Cornell University and former Congressional Black Caucus executive director Frank Morris, are seeking to join three existing immigration reform advocates on the Sierra board. The Sierra Club has avoided the immigration issue, but many within the organization consider immigration-generated population growth to be among the most severe threats to the environment and believe that the group must work for immigration reductions.
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    21 years ago
    Shameful ASSAULT on Free Speech
    ASYLUM SCHOOL COACHES APPLICANTS ON FALSE STORIES Columnist Matt Hayes reports that among the courses offered by a San Diego language school are courses on how to file asylum claims to remain in the U.S. The basic course offers standard stories to be presented to asylum adjudicators, while the deluxe package includes PHONY documents providing evidence of persecution in China. Asylum judges noted a pattern of consistency among applicants’ claims and discovered the course materials that coached applicants on what to say.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    U.S. Rep. gets DEATH THREATS for opposing social security benefits for ILLEGALS
    BUSH AMNESTY “The number of illegal aliens caught crossing into the United States increased dramatically just days after President Bush proposed a guest-worker program that would give legal status to millions of illegal immigrants now in this country,” according to the national Border Patrol Union. The front page, Washington Times story reveals that since the President’s announcement, apprehensions of illegal aliens in the San Diego sector, one of the busiest crossing points for illegal aliens, have tripled. Most of those arrested “had no history of immigration violations,” underscoring the speculation by law enforcement authorities that the Bush Amnesty proposal would “lead to increased illegal immigration.”
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    U.S. Rep. gets DEATH THREATS for opposing social security benefits for ILLEGALS
    +== TAKE POSITIVE ACTION ==+ Every year, giant foundations like the Ford Foundation, multinational corporations like Shell Oil and GM, and even the U.S. Government lavish millions of dollars in grants on groups like La Raza, MALDEF, the ACLU and the AILF. These well-funded organizations, united in a titanic effort to undermine U.S. immigration law and subvert the will of the American people, often employ the effective tactic of finding obscure, but significant, court cases and use them to set precedents -- while no one is paying attention -- that slowly nibble away at our ability to enforce our own laws. FILE(Friends of Immigration Law Enforcement) is alone in fighting behind-the-scenes battles with these well-funded groups, and we are doing it with no foundation, corporate, or government grants. Unlike the AILF and La Raza, we are under-funded and understaffed, and it is truly heart-breaking for us to watch so many great opportunities slip by simply because we don't have the manpower or the resources to step into the breach. Nevertheless, we have two advantages: Our arguments are correct, and Americans agree with us. That is why, on a shoestring budget, we are able to meet, and defeat, the armies of high-paid lawyers on the other side, and why, eventually, we will win, thanks to your continued support of our crucial work. Here is a chance to tell one of the corporations that contributes money to AILF just what you think of their support for illegal immigration. Please contact Abercrombie & Fitch, the large Ohio clothing retailer (calls are much, much better than email), and, after pressing "0" and getting a live operator, say: "I want to leave a comment about your corporate policy. I see that Abercrombie & Fitch is a corporate sponsor of the American Immigration Law Foundation, which supports illegal immigration. Since I am one of the 85% of Americans opposed to illegal immigration, I find your support of the AILF to be very disturbing and socially irresponsible. I will do my best never to buy any products from your company again." Abercrombie & Fitch Call: 866-681-3115 (press 0) Email: [email protected] (Some other socially irresponsible corporations contributing to AILF are: The Athlete's Foot, ChevronTexaco, Christian Dior Perfumes, Inc., Kenneth Cole Productions, Miller Brewing Company, and the Shell Oil Company.)
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    U.S. Rep. gets DEATH THREATS for opposing social security benefits for ILLEGALS
    According to Federal law, if a state offers discounted, "in-state" postsecondary tuition aid to illegal aliens, it must also offer the same aid to all Americans regardless of residency. However, four states currently give tuition breaks to illegal aliens, but charge American citizens from other states higher tuition fees. If you are a student attending any public postsecondary school in Washington state, California, New York, Illinois, Oklahoma, Texas and Utah, or some schools in Georgia, and are paying "out-of-state" tuition, you may be entitled to a refund. For details, go to: http://fileus.com/dept/tuition/index.html
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    U.S. Rep. gets DEATH THREATS for opposing social security benefits for ILLEGALS
    TEENAGERS SAVAGED BY CONGRESS AND BUSH "If you scrutinize the U.S. labor market numbers from the last two years of economic recovery, the numbers suggest that native-born workers -- particularly teenagers and young adults without college degrees -- are being displaced by new immigrants. Indeed, last year the employment rate for teens reached a record low, down 9 percentage points since 2000. These are the very people who might benefit from the unskilled jobs now going to foreign workers."
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    U.S. Rep. gets DEATH THREATS for opposing social security benefits for ILLEGALS
    ABOLISH THE H-1B VISA PROGRAM Every year, over 1,000,000 Americans are terminated from employment in the current economy. At the same time, the Government of the United States dispenses over 600,000 H-1B and L-1 Visas annually expressly to fill American jobs with foreign labor. If you believe the Government should not be relegating the American people into such wholesale unemployment, this site provides you with the means to help put this dynamic to an end. http://www.zazona.com/H1BPetition/
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    U.S. Rep. gets DEATH THREATS for opposing social security benefits for ILLEGALS
    In a particularly tragic example of government inattention to illegal aliens who have run amock, one of the snipers who terrorized the Washington DC area for three weeks in October 2002 was a foreign national who had been apprehended the previous year. As a stowaway, he was required by law to be immediately deported back to his home country. Instead, the INS overroad the Border Patrol's designation and released John Lee Malvo upon the unsuspecting American public. Had immigration law been followed by the INS, there would have been no two-man hit team and it is likely that there would have been no devastating series of murders.
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    21 years ago
    U.S. Rep. gets DEATH THREATS for opposing social security benefits for ILLEGALS
    MEXICAN GOVERNMENT LOBBYING HEAVILY FOR AMNESTY "The Mexican government is lobbying U.S. lawmakers and civic leaders for amnesty or guest-worker status for millions of illegal aliens now in the United States, working through a coalition of U.S.-based immigration rights associations, Mexican-American organizations and grass-roots Hispanic groups," according to the Washington Times. This growing political alliance also seeks "expanded education and health care benefits for Mexican nationals in this country," in addition to various labor and community development programs. Mexican President Vicente Fox will meet with President Bush tomorrow and Saturday in Crawford, Texas, where immigration is expected to be a top issue of discussion.
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    21 years ago
    U.S. Rep. gets DEATH THREATS for opposing social security benefits for ILLEGALS
    FIX THE BORDER DATABASE TO SAVE LIVES "In 2002 Victor Batres illegally crossed the border twice; both times he was caught, and both times he was returned. When he crossed a third time, however, he made it to Oregon -- where he raped two nuns and killed one of them. Once again, the inspector general places much of the blame on the lack of integration between the two fingerprint databases. Border Patrol agents didn't know that Mr. Batres had a long criminal record in this country; otherwise he would never have been released,"
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    U.S. Rep. gets DEATH THREATS for opposing social security benefits for ILLEGALS
    LOU DOBBS: KERRY AND BUSH ON ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION Which "millionaire Yale graduate who's a member of Skull and Bones" will look out for the interests of American workers and American taxpayers who are being hit hard by mass illegal immigration, wonders CNN TV host and columnist Lou Dobbs? The impact of illegal immigration is costing lower income Americans, and the President’s plan will result in still more labor subsidies for those who employ cheap foreign workers. "Unfortunately, Kerry’s proposals so far on illegal immigration aren’t any better," laments Dobbs, who notes that Kerry has sponsored legislation to grant millions of illegal aliens outright amnesty.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    U.S. Rep. gets DEATH THREATS for opposing social security benefits for ILLEGALS
    ILLINOIS CANDIDATE ARGUES FOR IMMIGRATION REFORM "[Senate candidate] Jim Oberweis brought in a Colorado congressman known for his opposition to illegal immigration to issue an endorsement in Chicago and then Springfield. Oberweis planned to take his message on the road during a three-day tour of 16 small east-central Illinois towns in an area known for its support of GOP candidates," the AP reports. "Oberweis, an Aurora dairy owner and owner of an asset management firm, and U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., said the president's immigration plan would jeopardize the country's security and allow aliens to continue to steal jobs and money from American workers and taxpayers."
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    U.S. Rep. gets DEATH THREATS for opposing social security benefits for ILLEGALS
    BUSH PUTTING AMERICA AT RISK "The Bush administration is 'rolling out the welcome mat for terrorists and illegal aliens' in seeking to legalize millions of foreign nationals illegally in the United States and in proposing budget cuts 'thinning the ranks' of America's border force, says the head of the Border Patrol's 10,000-member union," a report in today's Washington Times says. "Budget and personnel cuts, coupled with the proposed amnesty for illegal aliens, make it clear that this administration is not at all serious about securing our homeland or enforcing our immigration laws," T.J. Bonner, president of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC), told a House subcommittee.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    U.S. Rep. gets DEATH THREATS for opposing social security benefits for ILLEGALS
    SENATOR HATCH PROPOSES MORE SPENDING ON ILLEGALS "Allowing some ILLEGAL immigrants to attend college at in-state tuition prices, then giving them AMNESTY would cost federal taxpayers $90 million over the next decade and benefit 46,000 ILLEGAL immigrants, congressional budget analysts say," the Salt Lake Tribune reports. "Federal spending would increase from higher participation in FOOD STAMP and MEDICAID programs, according to the Congressional Budget Office."
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    U.S. Rep. gets DEATH THREATS for opposing social security benefits for ILLEGALS
    MEXICO SUBVERTING OUR POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS Fox News commentator and immigration attorney Matt Hayes: "There is growing evidence that the MEXICAN GOVERNMENT is working with a group called the Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior (“INSTITUTE OF MEXICANS ABROAD”) to use its matricula consular database to deploy ILLEGALS to state legislatures and city councils across America. There, the ILLEGAL aliens - Mexican nationals who have been provided a matricula consular card - pack the gallery and seek to apply pressure against legislators who sponsor or intend to vote for bills that enhance immigration law enforcement." As reported in the Washington Times, "local and statewide illegal immigrant advocacy groups and Hispanic groups coordinate with the Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior to agitate for access to public services for ILLEGAL aliens in the United States."
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    U.S. Rep. gets DEATH THREATS for opposing social security benefits for ILLEGALS
    "OUR PEOPLE FEAR FOR THEIR LIVES" For the Tohono O'odham Indians of Southern Arizona, the Wild West is not what they read about in history books, but something they live every day. More than 1,500 illegal aliens tramp across their reservation every day, bringing with them narcotics, home break-ins, and violent crime. The U.S. federal government has promised that help is on the way to the 11,000 residents of the reservation, but in the meantime says the tribal chairwoman, "Our people fear for their lives."
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    U.S. Rep. gets DEATH THREATS for opposing social security benefits for ILLEGALS
    ILLEGAL ALIEN HIRED AS SECURITY GUARD FOR IMMIGRATION OFFICE "A security firm that reportedly hired an illegal immigrant to patrol the Houston immigration office as an armed guard even though he faced a deportation order is under investigation by the federal government," the AP reports. "'That's what you call irony,'" said Tom Berg, a federal public defender representing Salomon Juarez."
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    TELL CHRIS CANNON WHAT YOU THINK OF HIS LEGISLATION!, (please post here about your conversation) S. 1645 and H.R. 3142, the so-called AgJOBS legislation introduced by Senators Larry Craig (R-ID) and Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and Representatives CHRIS CANNON (R-UT) and Howard Berman (D-CA), represents a Faustian bargain between those seeking a sweeping amnesty for millions of illegal aliens and those seeking unlimited and unrestricted access to cheap foreign labor. The advocates for illegal immigration would get a sweeping amnesty for hundreds of thousands--and perhaps millions--of current illegal aliens and their families, while the U.S. agricultural industry and its advocates would get access to a virtually unlimited supply of cheap foreign workers. Meanwhile, wages and working conditions are undermined. In addition to being an amnesty that rewards illegal aliens for breaking the law and the employers who hired them unlawfully, S. 1645 fails as a prescription for curtailing future illegal immigration. The bill contains no provisions that would effectively discourage more people from entering the U.S. illegally or deter employers from hiring them. Amnesty Notwithstanding disclaimers by the bill’s sponsors and supporters, S. 1645 is an amnesty. The only difference between this bill and other proposals to legalize potentially millions of illegal aliens is that it places them in an interim “guestworker” status along the road to legal permanent residency. As a matter of principle, most Americans believe that rewarding people who have broken the law by granting them legal status in the U.S. is wrong. This bill would also renege on a promise made by Congress in 1986 that amnesty would never be repeated. In addition to objections in principle, S. 1645 is a deeply flawed bill that would create countless new problems: Potential for massive fraud. The Special Agricultural Worker (SAW) component of the 1986 amnesty legalized 1.3 million illegal aliens – some three to four times the number of illegal aliens who were estimated to be working in agriculture at the time. As many as two-thirds of those amnestied under SAW got their green cards based on fraud. This massive fraud was encouraged because the SAW contained sweeping provisions making all information furnished by an amnesty applicant “confidential.” The confidentiality measures that encouraged fraud in the SAW amnesty program are even more sweeping in the current proposal. Weak requirements for documentation to support amnesty claims. S. 1645 would rely on the most flimsy of documentary evidence to establish that an applicant qualifies for amnesty under the bill. An amnesty applicant would be able to support a claim by using uncorroborated third party affidavits attesting that he or she has met the agricultural work requirements. Documents containing false identities used by an alien while he or she was illegally present in the United States would also be accepted as proof of eligibility. The evidence of U.S. residence required in the 1986 amnesty has been dropped. Passage of S. 1645 would create a boom for document counterfeiters. Expanded confidentiality provisions would protect criminals and terrorists. Illegal aliens with criminal records or even associations with terrorist organizations would be eligible for legal residency under S. 1645. The normal criteria for excluding applicants for legal admission to the U.S., such as a conviction for an aggravated felony or ties to known terrorist organizations, would be waived under this bill. Moreover, other information that might make an alien excludable, such as evidence of tax or welfare fraud, would not be shared among the relevant government agencies and the Department of Homeland Security. Claimants may apply outside the United States. People seeking amnesty based on having worked illegally for a U.S. agribusiness would be able to apply at the border and be admitted under “preliminary” status while their claims were being processed. Such applicants could immediately be granted a border-crossing card without a background check or verification of the data in the application. Family members go to the head of the immigration queue. Amnesty, under S. 1645, also would be extended to the spouse and minor children of the principle alien. Like the principle applicant, family members could not be excluded for the usual factors that would deny other applicants admission to the U.S. These beneficiaries would not need to be in the U.S. to qualify. The family relationship that qualifies dependent aliens for legal residence along with the primary amnesty recipient would not even need to exist at the time the amnesty application was filed, while children who reach the age of majority after the application was filed would continue to remain eligible for legal residency. Eligibility for taxpayer-funded legal assistance. Illegal alien applicants for amnesty would be eligible for taxpayer-funded attorneys and legal services through the Legal Services Corporation to file their amnesty claims and contest denials. This provision would create an economic bonanza for immigration attorneys. Broadest possible definition of “agricultural” worker. Virtually anyone who had touched an agricultural product (including non-food agri-cultural products or the land and facilities where it was produced) any time before a commodity left the premises of the agribusiness site where it was harvested or first processed would be classified as an agricultural worker under S. 1645. Occupations such as forestry workers, landscapers, processing plant workers, mechanics, and irrigation tech-nicians would all be considered agricultural-related and, therefore, illegal aliens working in these occupations would also be made eligible for amnesty under this bill. Minimal requirement that applicants continue to work in agriculture. Amnesty recipients under S. 1645 would need only to work 360 hours of agricultural work (the equivalent of 45 eight hour days) within seven years to receive a green card. Since S. 1645 would ensure that farm wages will remain below poverty levels, most amnesty recipients would move to towns and cities and take low-skilled jobs from Americans and legal immigrants– exactly what happened in 1986. Guaranteed Cheap Labor for Employers Because it is highly likely that workers who received amnesty under S. 1645 would opt for employment in other sectors of the labor market with better wages and working conditions, the bill would allow for a steady (and unlimited) flow of guestworkers, who might also eventually qualify for legal residency in the U.S. Access to cheap illegal alien labor has kept millions of farm workers in America in poverty and impeded the sort of mechanization and industry reforms needed for the long-term viability of American agriculture. S. 1645 would virtually assure that these conditions would be perpetuated. In addition to the impoverishment of entire classes of workers in the United States, S. 1645 contains many specific provisions that are highly objectionable: “Need” for guestworkers to be determined solely by employers. Current guestworker programs require employers to document to the government that a need exists for such workers and that a good-faith effort has been made to recruit American workers to fill those positions. S. 1645 would rely on the self-serving attestation of agricultural employers to determine the need for guestworkers. Recruitment would be slashed to one notice in a local paper and one posting at a local job office, effectively excluding most American migrant workers, who travel during the harvest but reside in towns because of the scarcity of affordable farm housing. Longstanding enforcement powers would also be thrown out. Usual grounds for exclusion are waived. As is the case with aliens seeking amnesty under this bill, applicants seeking to enter the U.S. as guest-workers would not be excludable for many of the reasons that keep other aliens out of the country. Criminals and people with ties to terrorist organizations would not be excluded from becoming guestworkers in the United States. The emphasis of the bill is solely on admitting guestworkers expeditiously, with no concern for public safety or national security. Perpetuates shameful wage and working standards. The Adverse Effect Wage Rate (AEWR), currently in effect to ensure that agricultural guestworkers do not degrade wages in this sector of the economy, would be frozen at the current rate for three years after enactment of the bill. The current AEWR is approximately $8.42 an hour. Based on the actual number of hours the average agricultural worker is employed, that translates into an annual salary of just $8,000 for such workers. The maximum earnings for a worker employed full time under the current AEWR is $14,474. S. 1645 would freeze the earnings of workers at these disgraceful levels. The official 2002 poverty level for a family of three is $15,260 a year. Employers absolved of most other labor costs. S. 1645 would cut back the employers’ longstanding responsibility to provide housing and travel expenses for migrant alien workers. The burden of providing housing for workers (who surely would not be able to provide their own at the current AEWR) will fall to HUD and other state and local government agencies. In addition, employers will not be responsible for providing transportation for workers who live as far as 60 miles from their place of employment. Employers would not even be required to provide workers with tools or meals. Employers’ liability limited, and immunity granted from many labor requirements. S. 1645 would strip out the assurances employers must provide that they will respect many federal, state, and local employment laws, and it would give employers increased immunity from violations of existing health and safety standards. The “private right of action” contained in the legislation, that ostensibly would allow guestworkers to sue employers or contractors, is mere window dressing. The language of the bill contains so many loopholes that favor the employers that it would be virtually impossible to find employers in violation of labor laws. Health care for guestworkers would be the taxpayers’ responsibility. Employers would not be required to ensure the health of their guestworkers. The costs would be borne by federal, state, and local taxpayers. Mass Illegal Immigration Likely to Continue Unabated The most immediate effect of passage of S. 1645 would likely be a surge of new illegal immigration as countless people attempt to enter the country to take advantage of an amnesty program that would be highly vulnerable to fraudulent claims. Proponents of S. 1645 openly predict it would be just the first step in a series of wider amnesty programs covering non-agricultural jobs and illegal aliens who will enter the U.S. in the future. In spite of proposing a new guestworker program, there is nothing in this legislation that would prevent employers from continuing to hire illegal aliens if they so choose. The bill contains no enhanced enforcement provision or penalties against employers who hire illegal aliens. Employers could continue to use abusive farm labor contractors and bar immigration officers from verifying the status of their workers. There is no reason to expect that employers would not replace newly amnestied illegal aliens with new illegal aliens.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    CANNON ACCUSED OF DUCKING DEBATES Challenger wants chance to focus on immigration issues By Tad Walch Deseret Morning News PROVO — Don't hold your breath waiting for a debate among the three Republican candidates for Utah's 3rd District congressional seat. Challenger Matt Throckmorton called Friday for a series of debates focused on immigration issues, including one on the eve of the Republican convention. He also encouraged Rep. Chris Cannon to accept a standing invitation from talk show host Lou Dobbs to debate immigration policy with Throckmorton on CNN. Neither will happen, nor will Cannon agree to any debates, a spokesman said. "It's a matter of priorities," said Joe Hunter, Cannon's chief of staff. "We've got very limited time in which to communicate with the thousand or so delegates in the 3rd District that we need to meet with. Essentially, Chris has next week, and that's it, then Chris is back in Congress." Congress reconvenes April 20. The convention is scheduled for May 8. Throckmorton accused Cannon of backing out of several planned debates, including at least one that Cannon allegedly proposed. That debate was to take place on a Utah radio station, Throckmorton said, but a Cannon staffer called the morning it was scheduled to say the congressman couldn't make it. Additionally, Throckmorton said he and his wife recently ran into Cannon and his daughter at a Springville market. He said Cannon agreed then to a debate on immigration policy. Both Throckmorton and Greg Hawkins hope to garner enough votes from delegates at the convention to force Cannon into a party primary. Throckmorton said Friday he has reserved locations on May 7 in both Salt Lake and Utah counties. "Whatever makes him comfortable," Throckmorton said, "but he needs to be there." Cannon wants to focus on meeting with delegates instead, and Hunter denied the charge that Cannon has ducked any debates. "We didn't have a clue what he was talking about in so far as setting up dates," Hunter said. "If running into someone on the street constitutes a commitment, we're never going to say it didn't happen, but there have been no debates scheduled that we'd agreed to or that we didn't show up for. I'm pretty confident about that." Cannon has discussed immigration on several national TV shows, including Dobbs'. "We don't feel the need to go on with Matt and do so again," Hunter said. Cannon is sponsoring a bill in Congress that would create a guest workers' program for illegal immigrants working in agricultural jobs. For that, Cannon has been attacked via local billboard and radio ads. Throckmorton said he is not attached to the groups buying the ads, but he is shaping his campaign largely around Cannon's positions on immigration. He said Cannon favors amnesty for illegal immigrants, a characterization that drew a sharp response from Hunter. "It's not amnesty," Hunter said. "They're claiming we're supporting amnesty. We're not proposing amnesty. It's a very, very strict requirement and provides significant hurdles for an illegal employed in agricultural to come out of the shadows and claim temporary status. I don't think any reasonable person would consider that amnesty." Cannon's bill has more than 100 co-sponsors in the House and 56 in the Senate, Hunter said. Cannon's Web site doesn't list his position on illegal immigrants, but Hunter said a statement will be added to the site by Monday. Throckmorton wants more. "I told Rep. Cannon, 'If you do a debate with me and you make me look ridiculous, you win,' " Throckmorton said. "And if a majority of Utahns want to do what Chris supports, then he should win."
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    HERE IS ONE PERSON'S ACCOUNT OF A TELEPHONE CALL MADE TO CANNON: I called Cannon's cell phone #(801-362-8300)that he encouraged his constituents to call and I got him on the phone Monday at about 5:31 pm . I pasted him pretty good, and he was pretty much flustered and stuttering and defensive most of the conversation . He was told very firmly to co-sign HR-946, drop sponsorship of his bill, cease currying favor with illegal aliens, or we would work around the clock to deliver a new vocation to him.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Skull & Bones alum Bush and Kerry are disgraceful
    You're just a shill for democrats
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Skull & Bones alum Bush and Kerry are disgraceful
    You old fart
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Your RETIREMENT is being TARGETED by Hispanic Immigrants Rights Groups
    ARIZONA HOSPITALS FORCED TO SEND BILL COLLECTORS AFTER ILLEGAL ALIENS "Outstanding hospital bills from people south of the border are such a drain on local facilities that they're sending bill collectors into Mexico to try to get paid," the Tucson Citizen reports. "At least three hospitals, Tucson's University Medical Center, Copper Queen Community Hospital in Bisbee and Yuma Regional Medical Center, are using Tucson-based International Collection Systems for some payback."